i am a silly pms-ing lil bitch who whines whines and whines. i cannot feed myself but i go out at 3 am to get an unappreciative bigger insane psycho bitch a wine bottle opener so that she can feed her alcoholism and not have to bang the bottle upside down or attempt to screw it (doesnt this line sound suggestive?)you see im just insane.

You don't care if you are superior to all other Asians or not, because being Thai is just cool in itself.
Your last name has a minimum of 15 letters.
Adding chilli, vinegar and sugar to your food from a condiment plate is normal and not indicative of the standard of the chef's cooking.
You smile alot.
You are excessively polite.
When you cuss you sound decent.
Triple espresso's start tasting bland
You have nightmares about SCHEME and ProLog.
Instead of using MS Word, you type your essay for school in HTML using NotePad.
School? What's that?
You can multiply a 32 bit binary number by a 6 digit hexadecimal number in your head.
You laugh at movies that show programmers at work.
You get withdrawal symptoms if you're away from a computer for more than 3 hours
(Lines_of_Code) / (Hours_of_Sleep) < (Number_of_Energy_Drinks_Consumed)
When you can say with a great level of confidance that you have written more lines of code than english.
You wake up in the middle of the night with the solution to your coding problem.
You get drunk\high\otherwise intoxicated just for a different coding experience.
You think of sex as an algorithm.
The first time you use another person's computer it takes you less than 30 seconds to completely disable all useless programs from running at boot and uninstalling all the ad-ware the fools had on the system.
The people you respect most you have never physically seen or spoken to, but you always bow to their knowledge.
Your bookmarks list takes 15 minutes to scroll from top to bottom.
You find yourself brainstorming for new subjects to Google.
You refuse to go to a vacation spot with no electricity and no phone lines.
You finally do take that vacation, but only after buying a cellular modem and a laptop.
Your dreams are in HTML.
You check your mail. It says "no new messages." So you check it again.
You code your homework in HTML and give your intsructor the URL.
You don't know what sex your three of your closeset friends are, because they have nuetral screennames and you never bothered to ask.
You name your children Google, Friendster and Blogger
You miss more than five meals a week downloading the latest MP3's off Kazaa Lite.
You start tilting your head sideways to smile.
You have "Googled" all your friends to try to find out anything interesteing that they are not telling you and you can use against them later.
You message someone via IM when they are less than 20 feet away.
The sound of the keys clicking turns you on.
You have more browsers than friends in the real world.
Ni submitted homework at 6:18 PM
