kiasu Pt.2
oh yay! i came up with the second solution before my groupmate did. haha... i have an advantage of being a norturnal creature. he was already very sleepy since when he finished the first question. guess what? he usually sleeps before midnight!!! that's madness!but this groupmate is actually quite a nice guy. he saw my msn nick (SOS!! wabbitz killing kitty) and found out more from me. so i was explaining to him that wabbitz is my friend and kitty is me. my friend was trying to kill me on msn by using (gun) emoticon pointing to

but don't think that i am such a meannie being mean to such a nice guy. this guy was actually trying to reject my last tutorial's solution and come up with his own one. he finally did after took my code, simplified it and changed the function name. we presented his version as he claimed his version was simpler and mine was too complicated. of course it's more complicated coz it can handle more things that his version could! idiot! =S
Ni submitted homework at 3:15 AM
