i am happy.i managed to finish all my assignments within the deadlines. my HRM project, advert. designs, data management technical paper and tutorial, choice of cryptography technical paper - all done on time. i was quite stressed during the recess coz there were just too many things to do. but now everything is done. i'm so relieved.
and the recording went so well, too. i finished my part. pin finished hers. we only have left with the lead guitar and vocal parts which will be done on wednesday. i can't wait to listen the end product. for now, so far so good. we're quite happy with the overall sound. my bass track sounds good too cos we recorded through the amp. there's more punch than the direct line-in. but well, i think my part can be improved. there're some portions that aren't so tight. my rhythm doesn't exactly align with the drum. but when we replayed the recorded drum, bass and rhythm guitar tracks altogether, it didn't sound so obvious. it sounded quite good.
asked jeff, the soundbox owner, for the GarageBand. he'll bring it for me on wed. so happy. now i can mix our own songs on my powerbook. yay! =D
Ni submitted homework at 8:31 PM
