Deutsche Bank
yep. i am going for this one. i am going to submit my application with them.yes i know my grades suck. yes i know i am too ambitious. yes i know Deutsche Bank is too high class, too far to reach.
but miracles always happen to me.
- like how i somewhat got into the best class when i entered my secondary school while my parents encouraged me to go for the worse secondary school's exam that happened to be on the same day instead cos they were afraid that i wouldn't get into the school that i chose at all. [lucky i didn't listen to them =s]
- like how i received the scholarship to study here while on the day of that last round of the test for this scholarship, i couldn't do the papers at all. i was one of the last few that left the exam room after unsuccessful countless attempts on the questions while there were many of them that left the room way before me with confident looks. of course i felt a little inferior as they were from the best school in thailand and i was just from a normal school from an underdeveloped province.
- like how i got into Morgan Stanley for my internship while 9 out of 10 people i surveyed thought that another guy who was also shortlisted for an interview would get it. [imagine... if my own friends can tell me straight to my face that they don't think i can win that guy, they must be really confident right?!]
- and like how i've met my rabbitch. =D
so you'll never know. miracle might happen to me again.
prepare for the worst but hope for the best. ;)
Ni submitted homework at 6:17 AM
