fish eggs Pt.2
3 kgs! fucking 3 kgs worth of fish eggs!!!the monk just called me up telling me they've got me 3kgs of fish eggs! oh... happiness.
let me tell you how important and rare these fish eggs are to me.
in my entire life, i only get to eat the fish eggs for less than 10 times. why?! becos there's no fish eggs in where i lived (Chiang Rai). usually my dad would ask my grandma in Sukhothai to buy them for us. she'd either send it here by bus or we would drive there to pick it up (and Sukhothai is 8 hour away from my place by car). and after we've got it, i'd have to fight with my dad everyday for it cos my dad loves it so much too.
and not that they'll have these fish eggs every year. some years they don't have it. i don't know why. the bloody fish probably lays eggs once in a few year or something. and NO! no one knows what the fish is called! not even the stall operator who sells these fish eggs. all she knows is that she has to order it from bangkok. thus, it's real difficult for me to track down the fish and reap their eggs.
and this time round, there isn't any fish eggs in Sukhothai. but i guess the monk and gang knew if they don't come here with fish eggs, they can forget about seeing me at the airport. so they managed to order the fish eggs from a nearby province (Phitsanulok, 1 hour away from Sukhothai. oh and the monk and gang are from Sukhothai)
my fish eggs are flying here tmr... ar... after more than 4 years of being deprived. finally, i'll get to eat my fish eggs tmr. oh... i'm so happy!
Ni submitted homework at 8:47 PM
