fish eggs
if not becos of fish eggs, i wouldn't sacrifice my paintball session on sunday.the hall people are going to play paintball together on sunday. it's hall's social activity. $19 inclusinve of transport, dinner and t-shirt. but what will i be doing on sunday? being a tour guide!!!
yeah... a group of unknown thai people are coming here tmr. one of them is my mother's brother's wife whom i normally talk to less than once a year. oh... and another one of them who i can identify is a monk. so instead of my aunt contacting me, it's the monk who called me up at 8am last week! and i didn't even know the monk before hand. only got to know his name when he first called me and i already forgot his name. well, i can just pretend that i'm busy with my exam and not be bothered about them. but they found out from my mum that i wanted to eat those fish eggs so badly that i wanted to fly back to thailand whenever she can confirm that there're fish eggs this season. so they are basically bribing me by offering to bring a lot of fish eggs for me. and it's fish eggs!! i can't bring myself to turn down the offer! so i ended finding a hotel for them and will be spending my precious weekend bringing them around singapore...argh and sacrificing my paintball game. what's more?! i have to wake up early tmr to pick them up at the airport at 11am!!
**sigh** but "fish eggs" is the magic word for this weekend... come on ni. keep in mind, it's fish eggs. it's worth doing and sacrificing anything!
Ni submitted homework at 8:02 PM
