i felt like a rockstar
i was at bar none to catch electrico on monday night. and i was at velvet for poetry slam on tuesday. wednesday i went club-hopping from Ink to attica to cocco latte to moloko and end my journey at zouk. thursday night i was at zouk again to catch the power jam. and my 3 papers are within the next 7 days.no. that alone wouldn't make me feel like a rockstar.
while i was walking around in bar none. one guy looked at me, trying to recall who i was but i couldn't recognize him so i just walked away. then he shouted from behind... "Scarlet Ash!" cool eh?!
then there's another guy who did the slam at velvet. after the slam, he came and asked me if he knew me. i said no. but i think we might have met at a gig or somewhere cos i know he's a guitarist and he looked familiar to me too.
at the power jam, while i was about to leave. this guy with a pretty face was smiling and waving at me for like half a minute but i just ignored cos i couldn't recognise him. til pocky turned around and she recognised them. we went to say hi and i eventually found out that he is one of the judges for the Jem Nation at Rav. i think he's one who in favour of us. the guy who is also a song writer and a singer. i can't remember his name. he was really nice and enthusiastically friendly. he said "you guys were one of the best" and kept repeating that. =D i told him we're in the midst of recording a demo. the owner of home studio who was also there with them invited to record with him. i told him about the budget constraint. he said special discount can be arranged. haha...
and before that, at the competition, we met this theatre actor guy whose wife is also a theatre actress that pocky admires a lot (can't remember their names again). i was talking to him. then SuperMario (the one that was a DJ at perfect10 but quit to launch his own album) came to shake hand with him. then he shook my hand too. haha...
*sigh* i feel so near yet it's so far.
local arts scene here is so small and the herd doesn't care about it. well, at least, the media is trying to promote the local scene to the public. i admire and repect this timely vision.
Ni submitted homework at 1:59 PM

1 Assignments:
- Staceee said...
Heh. So sweet of you to have actually clicked on the link and dropped by my blog!
Well, I'm like totally bored at work again since there's nothing much for me to do, so here I am leaving a record of my presence in your blog again. *Grins
Hey, from now on, I shall be an ardent reader of your blog okay? No worries, it will only cost you $1000 bucks each time I leave a comment for you or post a message on your tagboard. It's a deal! Now, that's an extra incentive for me besides the miserable pay I'm getting for my boring job. Thanks Ni!
Hah. And come on, you are a rock star! I am a crazy fan of Scarlet Ash and you're really one of the best!