inspiration only comes the day before the deadline
that's right. it's always the case for me.i've got 3 projects due tomorrow and 3 of which i haven't completed at the time of writing this. i've been sitting in front of my computer since 3am today until now. my rabbitch has gone out to play. i wanna go out too. but if i do, i'll just be a deadmeat tmr.
btw, while doing a research on RPC buffer overflow exploit, i found out that a writer of a famous worm (i'm sure all of us here have been infected by it before), Win32/Blaster, left a very cool signature in his virus code. it says...
"just want to say LOVE YOU SAN!!
billy gates why do you make this possible ? Stop making money and fix your software!!"
and he actually designed the worm such that, when infects a machine, it creates a mutex (a kind of locking mechanism to prevent having a dulplicate copy of itself running on the same machine) named after the imfamous founder of Microsoft Corporation - "Billy"!
cool eh?
Ni submitted homework at 9:48 PM
