interview questions
i went for an interview for a job with Envox Asia today. here are the so-called aptitude test questions that were posted to me for you to waste your time with.1. if you were a blind man and you were inside this enclosed room, and there were a chair, a light bulb and a switch, how would you know that the bulb was lit?
2. why is a manhole round?
3. if there are 3 baskets, first basket contains 1 black ball, second basket contains 2 red balls, third basket contains 3 green balls, what is the possibility of a blind man picking up the black ball?
and i could answer only 1 fucking question!!! which is question 3.
felt so stupid.
btw, the rabbitch is sick. she's having a gastric and a cold and a dry cough at the same time. poor thing =(
Ni submitted homework at 4:38 AM

3 Assignments:
- said...
Next time I'll spend a little more time and read more. interview questions was good. I wish you had information on bar supply product. That is what I was looking for. Anyway got to run thanks Blogger for you slant.
- said...
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- said...
Hey Blogger, I had a little time to kill and found your post titled interview questions. I was searching for bar night club supply. Don't ask me how but your site came up. I enjoyed some of your posts. They gave me an idea. Funny how things work sometimes, don't you agree? Anyway I gotta run late for work get back to you later. Thanks from Las Vegas