long weekend
i had a long weekend. i didn't go to school on thursday and friday. so technically, i had a 4-day-long weekend and it was an eventful one. yay! =Di went to a gay bar! yeah i went to the gay bar! and the gay boys are so cute! dancing with them is so fun. they're cute. they're fun. they're hot. and they're safe! this just re-iterated the point that the cute guys in the world have all turned gay! =s
and finally, i've fulfilled my dream of camping on the beach. just that i didn't spend much time in the tent cos after i started tugging myself in the tent for less than an hour, it fuckingly rained!!! and the tent was almost flooded like a house with leaked roof!
the sky turned bright after it rained for a while and got too bright for my liking eventually. so i sat in the shade by sea, looking blank into the sky and wondered why life is so beautiful.
"on an island in the sun, we'll be playing having fun
and it makes me feel so fine i can't control my brain"
Ni submitted homework at 10:35 AM
