post-gig review
The gig at the republic poly yesterday was... erm... full of hiccups. first, ling broke her string in the middle of first song. one kind audience lent her his SG but it just sounded weird. ling couldn't get the sound she wanted from the guitar. and it's slightly off-tuned so ling decided to turn down her volumn and that made pin sounded like she's drowning the whole band... and then pin's effect went off. chris had to fix it for her. and the temp0 in general was faster than it was supposed to be. but actually i kinda like it fast except that there were some parts i couldn't catch up and my playing wasn't synced with audrey's. okay... that was quite bad.overall, we weren't very tight. but i believe it could have been much better if there wasn't any hiccup. need more practices. need to build up on tightness and stage presence.
btw, 14-10 was damn good. everyone is good. they have a lot of blues influence.
i like pulse ironica too. but very pop. very commercial. but nice to hum slong. very easy-listening and catchy. probably that's why they got into the final of the Power Jam.
and i think my bass's pickups aren't working properly. it gives funny noises when i switch to single bridge mode. oh... i'm so sad.
Ni submitted homework at 1:32 PM
