Story of the year
well, the rabbitch overslept again and she stood up her date twice in a row. aww... poor she woke up at midnight while she was supposed to meet him at 7pm. the poor boy called thrice or 4 times and i didn't pick up coz i didn't know how to explain to him. the rabbitch woke up feeling guilty and stupid. she whined and whined and complained of how i didn't wake her up while i did try. finally she decided that she should see him still. so we went out at 1plus. she's off to find him. i'm off to get some nightlife after being a hermit for years.
she said... "i think you should get some social life."
i said... "i have no social life and i need none."
but still i went out becos jiahui called up to ask me out. she's been dying to club for weeks. she's been asking me to go clubbing with her almost every friday night. but i always prefer to hide in my room, playing with my rabbitch.
so jiahui and i went to dblO. the pool side is quite nice. it's just a little too beng for my liking. the club closed at 3. that was so early. i was there for slight more than an hour.
and i bumped into chalk when we were queuing to get the bag from the counter. it's so good to see him again after half a year. we were hugging and jumping around like kids. and he was so high (as usual). haha.... he asked me to stay over at his place to smoke pot. he's always the bad influence. but it's okay. i'm not easily tempted by such things. so i wanted to join him for supper but jiahui needed to come back hall early so i gave it a miss. we were saying that we should jam together again soon. yay... emo!!! =D
so now i'm back in my room, blabbling rubbish on the blog again while waiting for the rabbitch to be back. don't think she will come back soon though. it's okay. today i'm emotionally stable. i shall have a beauty sleep without her soon.
good night, world.
Ni submitted homework at 4:24 AM
