where is my wednesday???
wednesday is my free day.i said i'm gonna wake up at 1pm today to go to NUS to study. and guess what time i got out of bed? 11pm!! 11pm of wednesday! i only have one hour left for my wednesday! argh!
so what do i do now?
i don't know.
i guess i'm just gonna go out and stuff my face first. i haven't eaten anything for the whole day. my last meal was 20 hours ago. that's amazing.
Ni submitted homework at 11:20 PM

3 Assignments:
- sarsito said...
Hi Ni. Saw you again in school. But I didn't say hi cos I was afraid you might freak out or something! Haha. Not that I am a freak or anything. I hope! Anyway was surfing around and came upon these very interesting photos on the net. I am not sure if you know of it's existence. Here it is. It was under the pretty girls category. Hmm....Does that imply anything? You judge yourself.
So good luck with your looming deadlines and stuff. Maybe one day will pluck up enough courage to say hi to you. I hope I dun sound like a stalker or pervert or anything like that. Cos I think I am beginning to sound like one. Haha. Rock on! - Ni said...
yeah... you sounded more and more like my stalker! hahaa... just joking k?
just checked out those photos on the web. that's since when i was year one. i was a photographer for my hall so i shared a lot of photos on the network. i don't know who uploaded them to the internet. i once contacted the site admin before cos i think it's not appropriate to put them up on the net. but didn't follow up cos i was too busy. i thought it's long forgotten and no one would see them already. mm... apparently it's not.
btw, that forum has a lot of soft porn photos right? hahaha... - said...
heh. of course ni is hot. those photos dont do justice at all. :|
stalker guy, dont be a sissy! say hi! you dunno what youre missing out on...