i thought it's sunday morning
it is a quiet day today. most of people probably have finished their exams and gone back home. but i still have one more paper on saturday. the very last day of the entire exam.i woke up early today. but waking up alone is not fun. single bed becomes too spacious. if not for the fan that's spinning, it would have been deafeningly silent in the room. woke up early cos i slept a lot last night. didn't know what to do. didn't want to study. so i decided to sleep early instead. i woke up. i bathed. did the dishes. did the laundry. cleared up the room a bit. it's amazing i actually like it when i can wake up early and do all the housework. it gives me the same kind of feeling as my favourite lazy sunday morning. but i shouldn't enjoy it too much. exam is tmr and, beside, the real lazy, worry-free sunday is really coming anyway. i should start studying soon.
i long for the exam to end. haven't touched my bass for really long. it probably gets rusty by now. chris seems to have churned out a lot of new songs. or rather her lyrical thoughts. ling is raising fund for momo ver.2 (don't really know what the heck it is. guess it's a new guitar) audrey wants to kill her parents. no. i'm kidding. she was just bitching. guess she's enjoying her holiday right now. i don't know what pin is up to. she disappears. busy with her internship? busy with her baby? =D i so miss u guys. we shall get together and jam soon after my exam.
btw, Pug Jelly is playing at Singapore American school today. Ronin too. and also Rafe, the winning band from the Power Jam. personally i think their skills are so so. (ling and audrey are probably better than their guitarists and drummer but their bassist is quite okay) but gotta admit that they write a song with catchy tunes. and they've got that X factor. that's probably why they won the competition. well, see them with your own eyes. be there and support local music. i wish i could be there too but i'm too broke to go anywhere right now! =s
Ni submitted homework at 10:58 AM
