Anna and I
i bumped into Anna last night when i was loitering in orchard at 1.30am and i spent 2 hours talking, catching up with her. it's been 3 whole years since we really sat down and talk. Anna was my bestest friend when i first came to NTU. we stayed in the same block. but unfortunately, she moved out after the first semester.apparently a lot of people don't like Anna. they have many reasons to justify their dislikes ranging from she's a bitch to she's a whore. they were trying to make me hate her too. but of cos, it didn't work. even if she were really a whore, so what? can't a whore be your friend? can't a whore be nice? i find Anna a genuinely nice girl. i remember vividly how Anna and Noraini always cooked dinner for me at 2am when i came back from guitar pracitce. we'd be on the rooftop, eating, talking, laughing the whole night till 4 or 5am. then the next morning, no one got up for school. we used to turn off the light in our hostel room, blast retro music (yes, retro. i know i was lame), drink and dance the night away. i filmed Noraini dancing when she was drunk. the tape is still with me til today. and of cos, the most memorable one was the trip to KL. 4 days 3 nights, we went clubbing every night! haha...
so what? if you don't like Anna, so what? you think i'm gonna be at your side? even if i believe everything you say, you think i'm gonna hate my own friend just becos of that? every relationship is based upon mutual fundamental trust. Anna has never broken my trust nor my faith. i'll never break hers either.

Ni submitted homework at 8:11 PM
