are you afraid?
are you freaked out? people can be so heartless. but do not be afraid cos i'll never do that to in me so i can have a trust in you.
forgive me so i shall forgive you.
love me so i will love you.
life is one big show. people put on different faces for different roles. i want to be the one you want to see, the one you want me to be. but there're too many scenes. neither you nor i can help but to act along. sometimes we don't know who we really are. sometimes we are disillusioned by the scene we see. but it's all acting. you never know if what you see is real. things might not be as bad as it seems. cos you never know who they really are. like how you never know who you really are.
"you're a bitch
but i love you anyway
you can't sing
but you still put me to sleep
baby you're a bitch
hey... hey...
you make me sick
but don't ever go away
so why don't you stay?"
- The Bitch Song, Bowling for Soup
Ni submitted homework at 5:05 AM
