Armchair was rocking as well. the bassist is pretty good but not so action-packed as Desmond. haa... Chris and Ling were there. Sam from Pug Jelly was there too.
talked to Chris for a while.
then i left for Happy. i swear it's the best place to spot the most good looking guys in singapore, if you wonder where they have been hiding at. but it's the most unfortunate for all the singaporean women cos these macho boys won't be interested in you. what a waste. tried Lemon Drop, it was nice!
went over to round midnight after Happy closed. playing scrabble, taking photo. drink and drink.
i came back at around 7, threw up and fell asleep. was waken up by almost half a basketball team knocking and shouting at my door. and guess what?! the match is postponed to tmr becos it was raining! i felt so cheated!! =S
Ni submitted homework at 9:10 PM
