how are you ni?
been sleeping at 10 am, wake up at 4pm for a week. it's making me sick physically.been eating cornflakes with milk since the rabbitch left. too much milk. i'm having diarrhea.
went back to step one with her. let's start all over again. i'll be good.
watched at least 10 movies for the past 2 months.
played at least a hundred games of scrabble for the past 2 weeks.
been a few months that i never jam at all. getting rusty. my fault.
little progress with FYP and nothing impressive yet.
waiting for the confirmation of air tickets back to thailand. not gonna care about FYP anymore.
having block 49 outing later. hope qq will be there.
catching aresha, electrico and armchair tonight. i shall be broker than broke.
bball match tmr moring. how am i gonna wake up?
wondering if esther is surviving well on the ice mountain.
huini came back to hall to pass me a self-made christmas card. how sweet.
cody bought a game, restaurant empire, that i wanted for me. mm... nice trick.
and there's this jazz drummer who wanna hook up with me. wait longer. let me reincarnate and we shall talk about it.
now feeling sicker and sicker. maybe i should just go and sleep.
Ni submitted homework at 10:11 AM
