it's also a pity how i have given up everything - my pride, my ego, my vanity - just to exchange with a little moment of happiness. but it's never enough. cos nothing will ever be enough. cos they are blind. and their minds are clouded. clouded with pride. clouded with vanity. clouded with ego. clouded with fear.
Ni submitted homework at 4:05 AM

1 Assignments:
- Ni said...
heh... actually nothing specific.
i'm just talking in general cos i was reminded of how it is like when friends quarrel and on one is willing to say sorry first. not that they think they're not wrong. not that they even care who's wrong or right. it's just becos they don't want to "lose face" which i think it's really stupid.
in fact, further observation reveals that - "losing face" is just a phase to cover up a real reason: fear. they refuse to say sorry first becos they don't want to admit that they care. they don't want to admit that they care cos they know that when they care, they are vulnerable. henceforth, fear. fear of being the only party who cares. fear of being hurt by people who think that the last thing they want to do is to hurt you. (well, if you guys are really true friends, you'll never wanna hurt each other, right?)
thus, it's a pity. it's a pity they let their fear destroy a trust in relationship. it's a pity they can't see that they aren't the only person who cares. and it's the most pitiful that they can't truely trust each other despite all these years and what they've gone through together.