little black cat
o... little black cat i see you sitting there and you look lonely. i wish i could play with you but i'd never dare to come too close cos i'm afraid you'll run away. o... little black cat you are so near yet so far. you are within my reach but i can never touch you. and your eyes shine bright in the darkness of the night. yet they are mild and not as wild as i thought they would be. little black cat i can see that you are afraid. you just sit there, not running away, but not letting me touch you. o... how temptation is killing me. little black cat, why don't you be more trusting, come closer and play with me?You see her, you can't touch her
You hear her, you can't hold her
You want her and you can't have her
You want to, but she wont let you
- Auf Achse, Franz Ferdinand
Ni submitted homework at 11:02 AM
