why should i be celebrating a birthday of someone i don't know or someone i don't think he even exist anyway?
and along with a huge success of commercialisation, christmas has lost its real meaning. it has become a symbol of consumerism where the shop owners get to earn a lot of money over a short period of time, clubs and restaurants get to charge double for the same old things without feeling guilty, where the office workers get their day off and the kids have an excuse to party.
actually i don't really like a christmas day although i have to admit that i like the nice and warm spirit of christmas cos it always reminds me of how lonely one can be. so christmas is when you get together with your family and your loved ones. but what if my family is not here and no one loves me? or people who love me are spending christmas with someone they love more?
so i've been spending christmas alone for the past few years. i'd rather do that then desperately find someone to party with just to give myself a fake comfort that i'm not alone in this cruel world. well, after all, we are all born alone and will die alone. i see no reason why we should distract ourselves from the fact that everyone is actually alone.
but tonight, X'mas Slumber Party at wing's place! and i haven't found my cute pyjamas yet!
oh... and i have to tell you my little secret about christmas. there's one thing that i really like a lot when christmas comes - it's HUGE TURKEY WITH CRANBERRIES SAUCE!!!! yummy!!
Ni submitted homework at 3:38 AM
