i was reading and having my first cup of coffee at coffee club while waiting for my class. it was then that i realised that i actually missed going to school. and i mean school as a place not an educational institute. i remember how i liked reading newspaper or other magazines and drinking hot tea in cold lectures. or chilling out, drinking iced coffee in those hot days at coffee club. now i don't really get a chance to do it anymore as i seldom go to school. maybe i should restore those days and cherish my last semester in school.
lecture was useless, though not as useless as i expected. luckily oscar, my best friend in CE, saw me. he waved at me and signaled me to sit beside him. he was equipped with his tablet pc. so i allowed myself to be entertained by his techie toy for the whole 2 hours.
on 199 bus back to hall (i have given up hope on our shuttle bus), i saw this guy listening to mp3 on his XDA II mini. once again my jealousy stirred. i drooled over the gadget for a while then consoled myself that, in few hour time, i'll be collecting my new toy. though not as appetizing as the XDA mini, it will satisfy my voracious crave for gizmos for a while.
Cody just gave me a Restaurant Empire pc game. it was supposed to be a chrismas present but we didn't manage to meet before this cos i couldn't be bothered less. this happens when geek decides to go after another geek. they give each other PC games, computer magazines, computer spare parts, talk about linux or how insecured windows is, discuss how to solve some programming problems. and if they are to have a date, they probably mutually agree to go to simlim for an afternoon out together.
Ni submitted homework at 6:36 PM

2 Assignments:
- said...
geeky romance alright. but not modern geeks ;)
http://popagandhi.com/updates/125/modern-dating-for-beginnerschris - Ni said...
hey... i do google people i'm intersted in, too. it's amazingly useful as google reveals so much information about them =D