cos it's the time of the month! it's the time where my mood swings from the lowest point up to its peak, completes its cycle period T = 28 days.
after the gig at toa payoh [i hit quite a number of wrong notes, distracted by the mere absence], i went to apple store to shop for accesseries for my long-dead powerbook. i opted for the third-party power adapter instead of the orginal one so to save 50 bucks. saw iMac mini in real person. she's so petite and pretty so i gave her a few tender strokes of love and care.
on the mrt i saw this guy standing in a train whose hair was tied up neatly but already covering his ass. i was sitting around 1.5 m away and observing another guy sitting behind the hippie. he was perpetually covering his nose. i wonder if the hippie's hair stinks.
audrey is seriously on a chocolate-only diet. i am so surprised. i thought she was just kidding when i read it on her blog. and she is still on that questionable diet. but apparently she has lost some weights. i never knew eating chocolate excessively would result in a weight loss! =s
Ni submitted homework at 5:35 PM
