that's my everyday's philosophy for friendship, any relationship, and life in general.
now i've been washed, too many times. i'm worn out. i'm torn. my colour has faced. it's time you threw me away.
or is it that you bought me with the wrong colour in the first place?
and if i were to be your skirt, i'll probably be too long, just slightly above your knees. my colour would be that puke-inducing pastel pink that you despise so much, with elaborated ribbons and embroideries (sounds like something that esther would love), that happened to be in your room someday somehow.
dustbin. that's where i will end up next.
but you could rip off the embroideries, cut me short and dye me black. add that bit of red paint and silver shain i'll probably look good.
but no. that won't worth your time and effort. if you need a skirt, you could just buy one. skirts are cheap and your wallet is thick.
but no. singapore is freakingly hot. i know you'd wonder why you should bother to wear much cloth in the first place. i think you'd probably dump me somewhere and rather walk around naked!
Ni submitted homework at 10:35 AM

4 Assignments:
- said...
in cases like this, one should ensure care for ones garments, ie: turn it inside-out when drying, separating the colours from the whites. failure to do so would result in fading. in your case, yoru neglegence is the cause of any relationship/life fading.
if you have faded, then it is the fault of the washer, hence not you, poor garment. fashion police alert, ill treatment of clothes should be severly punished.
vogue and elle, the holy testaments of the beautiful commands that it is not the article of clothing but the wearer. if the forsaken forlorn one despises a particular pastel it is because he or she is probably unable to pull it off.
rather perplexing is the suggestion to take such elaborate effort to metamorphosize the skirt into completely what it is not. if one should seek such a skirt, one should get one exactly or similar to one's desired skirt instead of making something into what it is not. it would also hint at a lack of aesthetic quality in the skirt's former appearance, not forgetting the commandment that it is indeed the wearer not the clothing that counts.
nudism is apparently not advocated in singapore, fortunately perhaps. spare us all the eyesore!
signing off,
cherries and cosmopolitans!
~~~THE Fashionisita~~~
P.S : please contact my office lounge to discuss your latest fashion discovery - the shain. im so excited! it could be the next big thing.
ciao! - ZaNn said...
You're kidding.
If that's ur philosophy you wouldnt need to feel that way. - Ni said...
why wouldn't i?
- ZaNn said...
I dunno... If that's how it is then does it mean it wouldnt matter if anyone threw u away either. It wouldnt matter if you got sold to the rag-and-bone man?
But it always matters, doesnt it? I mean for your favorite clothes. I don't even wash them. I don't want them to get worn out. I dun want them to fade. Ofcoz...some clothes I buy and never wear them. I bought them and realized they were too tight, too loose, too not right for me. Probably those that were so hot and pretty I had to own them. Bought it so that no one else could have them. Those I keep in my cupboard. When I see the right owner I give them away...
Ok am not making much sense. Guess I just don't like that philosophy. Coz I can't do that. I'm emotionally attached to clothes. =P So conveniently selfish of u, yet such a privilege for u to have...