and on saturday, i went for an Operation restoration gig (by musicforgood) with pokido and esther. (---[the original line has been deemed inappropriate and, thus, removed]---) they have quite a number of big bands like Astreal, Concave Scream, Ugly In the Morning and The Observatory playing there. Ronin did their acoustic set which is not bad at all but it's so unlike them. Pug Jelly was playing there too. and i was surprised that there are now 4 members in the band. guess they just recruited a new guitarist. and there was also Typewriter whose band name i never heard of but the bassist looks very familiar. later on i realised it was desmond from Electrico. he told me he's playing for 4 bands! gosh! he's amazing.
after that we went for poptart at phuture. it was quite weird that they played indie music in a club but it was good. and i have decided to devote myself to be a faithful member of poptart. it happens every third saturday of the month. do join me if you think you like headbanging to the beat of electronic indie rock.
Ni submitted homework at 4:32 AM
