i am sad.i quarrelled with pokido again (and again and again).
don't ever ask me what we quarrel over cos, seriously, i never know. all i know is that she doesn't want to see me anymore. she's been saying so. and i think it's about time i respected her wish. so i said to myself i shall not bother her again until she feels like seeing me [which can range from 1 day to eternity. tha later seems to be more likely though] gosh... i don't think i'll even last a day.
but i've got my honeystar. i've got my milk. i bought tissue paper and soap. most importantly, i've got my meantime girl.
i will survive.
[ADVERTISEMENT BREAK: - in the meantime, i am also recruiting more meantime girls. those who are interested and able to fulfill the following criteria, do drop me a mail. i'm willing to compensate your effort and time with my sincere company, my humble thought and discussion on anything of your interest and a can of ice cold beer]
but abstinence is bad for health - physically, mentally, psychologically, sociologically.
not seeing her for one week is worse than not having sex for a year. frankly, i think my idea of refraining myself from seeing her is as absurd as an anti pre-marital sex campaign [recently held in orchard by sellling a wristband saying something like "say NO to pre-marital sex" - actually i can't remember what the wristband exactly says. but it shd be something cliche along that line.] i seriously don't think i can do this for more than 2 days.
but a little bit of abstinence may do me good. i suspect we see each other too much and start taking each other for granted. a little space, a little more time to ourselves, i hope it will make things better. i'm always on the optimistic side. =D
Ni submitted homework at 12:46 AM

3 Assignments:
- said...
absinthe makes the heart grow fonder :) es
- Pin said...
Why can't i have a meantime girl? Ni you're so lucky...
- Ni said...
they're my best friends u see. i'm sure they're willing to do anything to make me happy. beside them, i don't think anyone else would wanna be my meantime girl. haha...
anyway, i can be your meantime girl too! ;)