beautiful mind
do you think there is anyone whose mind so beautiful and whose logic so simple that he does not know how to lie?there is. it's my brother.
if you ask him about what he has done which possibly make you angry and him feel guilty, he will nervously try to avoid it by repeating your question or looking down the floor and eventually he will tell you the truth and beg for your forgiveness.
isn't that amazing?
imagine if everyone is like him? how is it gonna be like?
if our logics are so simple that we just act on our own will, do you think it's gonna simplify our lives? or will it be all messed up?
imagine a world with every living man's mind so simple, simple that they act what they will, simple that they do not know how to lie (lying takes quite a complexed logic). they give the truth to every question asked.
a utopia or a chaos?
imagine a guy who has to feed his family but cannot afford to do so decides to rob a bank. he does it and confesses it when the police interogates him.
a utopia or a chaos?
what if i have a mind with no logic? if i act on what i desire. if i act on my sensation [produced by an automatic reaction of a sense organ to a stimulus from the outside world]. if i eat when i'm hungry. if i cry when i feel sad (and not pretend to be strong). if i skip school because i'm lazy (not as if i'm not doing it). if i sleep because i'm tired. if i have to see you because i miss you. if i stand opposite your house for hours waiting for you to come out because i want to see you. if i have to be down on my knee begging because i want you to forgive me.
would my life be happier? or would i mess everything up?
Ni submitted homework at 4:30 AM

5 Assignments:
- said...
i like ur brother, ni. help me say hi when u go back this time round. es
- ZaNn said...
I think lying rockz. Especially after watching closer. I think unless u are blessed with a beautiful heart, you shouldnt act on what u desire, otherwise u'd have to face some nasty consequences. I think unless ur not very flawed...u can afford to always tell the truth and not hurt anyone. Chaotic, definitely chaotic. Is it ur younger bro, btw?
- Ni said...
umm.. i don't lie in general anyway. i mean... if u dare to do, u gotta dare to admit it. there's nothing to hide.
btw, yeah... younger bro. =)
and i want to watch closer. -sigh* - ZaNn said...
Ha. I dunno... sounds like u've already messed some stuff up.. u did that without lying, did you?
Does your heart rule over ur head?
Duncha think having a heart w/o having logic can be disasterous? The heart's fickle all the time. I mean half the time you dunno what u're feeling. Half the time u're confused. And most of the time the feelings change. If I act on all my feelings without having the ability to think abt it with a brain then I'd so lose myself...I think I'd end up feeling a fool...and I'd end up only with a pool of feelings. Feelings.
Yea I think u'd like Closer. - Ni said...
ah... yeah... you're quite right. i've already messed things up, of cos, without lying. =S
my head has slowly gained its control back. i'm pretty sane right now.
i think, if we were to have a heart without logic, we would probably be happy, but only with the moment. we'd be happy getting to do what we want to do. we wouldn't have to suffer self-control, self-restrain, self-pretence (is there such word?) but then we'd have to face the consequences that're probably not so pleasant. then we won't be happy anymore.
i'm glad we are able to think.
isn't it amazing how human's mind work?