what age do i act?
26 Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
do i really act like i'm 26? that's 4 years more than how old i actually am. people always say i look young or i'm like a kid. pokido thought i'd get something like 18 while she got 20 which is exactly her age (but i expected her to get like 55) why did the quiz result turn out like that? why why why?? should i be happy or sad?? =s
Ni submitted homework at 4:17 PM | 0 more assignments

Techie Quizzes

Which OS are You?

Which File Extension are You?

Which Website are You?
[this last quiz is fuckingly accurate. i'm impressed]
Ni submitted homework at 1:03 AM | 0 more assignments

Monday, February 21, 2005
i went to watch Dangerous Liaisons with pokido* yesterday. the Christopher Hampton's play is an adaptation of a french novel Les Liaisons Dangereuses by Choderlos de Laclos. it is also a play that Cruel Intention is based on (that's why i was so keen to catch it). i can't comment much as i'm not so well-versed in theatre but i know i quite like it a lot.
and on saturday, i went for an Operation restoration gig (by musicforgood) with pokido and esther. (---[the original line has been deemed inappropriate and, thus, removed]---) they have quite a number of big bands like Astreal, Concave Scream, Ugly In the Morning and The Observatory playing there. Ronin did their acoustic set which is not bad at all but it's so unlike them. Pug Jelly was playing there too. and i was surprised that there are now 4 members in the band. guess they just recruited a new guitarist. and there was also Typewriter whose band name i never heard of but the bassist looks very familiar. later on i realised it was desmond from Electrico. he told me he's playing for 4 bands! gosh! he's amazing.
after that we went for poptart at phuture. it was quite weird that they played indie music in a club but it was good. and i have decided to devote myself to be a faithful member of poptart. it happens every third saturday of the month. do join me if you think you like headbanging to the beat of electronic indie rock.
Ni submitted homework at 4:32 AM | 1 more assignments
Friday, February 18, 2005
and on saturday, i went for an Operation restoration gig (by musicforgood) with pokido and esther. (---[the original line has been deemed inappropriate and, thus, removed]---) they have quite a number of big bands like Astreal, Concave Scream, Ugly In the Morning and The Observatory playing there. Ronin did their acoustic set which is not bad at all but it's so unlike them. Pug Jelly was playing there too. and i was surprised that there are now 4 members in the band. guess they just recruited a new guitarist. and there was also Typewriter whose band name i never heard of but the bassist looks very familiar. later on i realised it was desmond from Electrico. he told me he's playing for 4 bands! gosh! he's amazing.
after that we went for poptart at phuture. it was quite weird that they played indie music in a club but it was good. and i have decided to devote myself to be a faithful member of poptart. it happens every third saturday of the month. do join me if you think you like headbanging to the beat of electronic indie rock.
Ni submitted homework at 4:32 AM | 1 more assignments

Friday, February 18, 2005
so it's either my life has been much less interesting or my standard of interesting has gone far higher.
i seem to have nothing to write.
anyway, i was excited to read about people's valentine's day but yet none of my friend has blogged anything about it. blogging about valentine's day is cliche and childish. yes i know. but i just wanna know what people do. or maybe they just wait for some one start writing about it. perhaps i should start with mine. but i gotta go now. so i'll come back to write later.
okay. i'm back to write about what happened on my valentine's day.
i never properly celebrate valentine's day with anyone. i have no idea why but i just never did even when i was attached. this year neither did i celebrate this day of love. it was just like any other ordinary days of mine.
as usual, i went out with pocky. we were supposed to go to bar none for poetry slam - special edition: Love&Eros. on the way there, we had a little fight cos she walked too fast that i couldn't catch up with and she refused to wait for me. (i know it's silly) so i gave up keeping up with her pace and let her walk there alone first while i loitered around in town to observe the mass's behaviour on valentine's day. and from my observation, if you single people want a consolation by seeing other singles spending their time alone on valentine's day, go to HMV.
anyway, the slam was prettying interesting. more interesting than usual, not just becos of the theme, but the participants themselves. heh... i mean... pocky participated in an impromtu slam. i was hoping she'd win first prize cos the first prize is one night stay at the marriot. but then she'd have to share it with her slam partner. so i was thinking, then maybe we could have a mass orgy! [u know i was just kidding. i'm so pro monogamy we all know that]. anyway, pocky didn't win the prize and i pushed all the blame to her partner. [really. if u were there, u'll know i'm not being bias here]
after the slam, we were supposed to watch a very long engagement but pocky didn't feel well so we went back and hang around at home instead.
that's all my V-day for you. now it's ur turn to tell me about yours. i'm still curious. heh. =)
Ni submitted homework at 1:37 PM | 0 more assignments
Monday, February 14, 2005
The man who is proudly certain of his own value, will want the highest type of woman he can find, the woman he admires, the strongest, the hardest to conquer - because only the possession of a heroine will give him the sense of an achievement, not the possession of a brainless slut... He does not seek to gain his value, he seeks to express it. There is no conflict between the standards of his mind and the desires of his body."
"But the man who is convinced of his own worthlessness will be drawn to a woman he despises - because she will reflect his own secret self, she will release him from that objective reality in which he is a fraud, she will give him a momentary illusion of his own value and a momentary escape from the moral code that damns him."
"You'd never accept any part of their vicious creed. You wouldn't be ableto force it upon yourself. If you tried to damn sex as evil, you'd still find yourself, against your will, acting on the proper moral premise. You'd be attracted to the highest woman you met. You'd always want a heroine. You'd be incapable of self-contempt. You'd be unable to believe that existence is evil and that you're a helpless creature caught in an impossible universe. You're the man who's spent his life shaping matter to the purpose of his mind. You're the man who would know that just as an idea unexpressed in physical action is contemptible hypocrisy, so is platonic love - and just as physical action unguided by an idea is a fool's self-fraud, so is sex when cut off from one’s code of values. It's the same issue, and you would know it Your inviolate sense of self-esteem would know it. You would be incapable of desire for a woman you despised. Only the man who extols the purity of a love devoid of desire, is capable of the depravity of a desire devoid of love."
What glory can there be in the conquest of a mindless body?
- excerpt from For the New Intellectual, Ayn Rand
Ni submitted homework at 11:45 PM | 0 more assignments
Monday, February 07, 2005
i seem to have nothing to write.
anyway, i was excited to read about people's valentine's day but yet none of my friend has blogged anything about it. blogging about valentine's day is cliche and childish. yes i know. but i just wanna know what people do. or maybe they just wait for some one start writing about it. perhaps i should start with mine. but i gotta go now. so i'll come back to write later.
okay. i'm back to write about what happened on my valentine's day.
i never properly celebrate valentine's day with anyone. i have no idea why but i just never did even when i was attached. this year neither did i celebrate this day of love. it was just like any other ordinary days of mine.
as usual, i went out with pocky. we were supposed to go to bar none for poetry slam - special edition: Love&Eros. on the way there, we had a little fight cos she walked too fast that i couldn't catch up with and she refused to wait for me. (i know it's silly) so i gave up keeping up with her pace and let her walk there alone first while i loitered around in town to observe the mass's behaviour on valentine's day. and from my observation, if you single people want a consolation by seeing other singles spending their time alone on valentine's day, go to HMV.
anyway, the slam was prettying interesting. more interesting than usual, not just becos of the theme, but the participants themselves. heh... i mean... pocky participated in an impromtu slam. i was hoping she'd win first prize cos the first prize is one night stay at the marriot. but then she'd have to share it with her slam partner. so i was thinking, then maybe we could have a mass orgy! [u know i was just kidding. i'm so pro monogamy we all know that]. anyway, pocky didn't win the prize and i pushed all the blame to her partner. [really. if u were there, u'll know i'm not being bias here]
after the slam, we were supposed to watch a very long engagement but pocky didn't feel well so we went back and hang around at home instead.
that's all my V-day for you. now it's ur turn to tell me about yours. i'm still curious. heh. =)
Ni submitted homework at 1:37 PM | 0 more assignments

Monday, February 14, 2005
let's talk about sex
"The men who think that wealth comes from material resources and has no intellectual root or meaning, are the men who think - for the same reason - that sex is a physical capacity which functions independently of one's mind, choice or code of values. They think that your body creates a desire and makes a choice for you - just about in some such way as if iron ore transformed itself into railroad rails of its own volition...The man who is proudly certain of his own value, will want the highest type of woman he can find, the woman he admires, the strongest, the hardest to conquer - because only the possession of a heroine will give him the sense of an achievement, not the possession of a brainless slut... He does not seek to gain his value, he seeks to express it. There is no conflict between the standards of his mind and the desires of his body."
"But the man who is convinced of his own worthlessness will be drawn to a woman he despises - because she will reflect his own secret self, she will release him from that objective reality in which he is a fraud, she will give him a momentary illusion of his own value and a momentary escape from the moral code that damns him."
"You'd never accept any part of their vicious creed. You wouldn't be ableto force it upon yourself. If you tried to damn sex as evil, you'd still find yourself, against your will, acting on the proper moral premise. You'd be attracted to the highest woman you met. You'd always want a heroine. You'd be incapable of self-contempt. You'd be unable to believe that existence is evil and that you're a helpless creature caught in an impossible universe. You're the man who's spent his life shaping matter to the purpose of his mind. You're the man who would know that just as an idea unexpressed in physical action is contemptible hypocrisy, so is platonic love - and just as physical action unguided by an idea is a fool's self-fraud, so is sex when cut off from one’s code of values. It's the same issue, and you would know it Your inviolate sense of self-esteem would know it. You would be incapable of desire for a woman you despised. Only the man who extols the purity of a love devoid of desire, is capable of the depravity of a desire devoid of love."
What glory can there be in the conquest of a mindless body?
- excerpt from For the New Intellectual, Ayn Rand
Ni submitted homework at 11:45 PM | 0 more assignments

Monday, February 07, 2005
i am particularly happy yesterday, today and will be so for the next few days.
cos it's the time of the month! it's the time where my mood swings from the lowest point up to its peak, completes its cycle period T = 28 days.
after the gig at toa payoh [i hit quite a number of wrong notes, distracted by the mere absence], i went to apple store to shop for accesseries for my long-dead powerbook. i opted for the third-party power adapter instead of the orginal one so to save 50 bucks. saw iMac mini in real person. she's so petite and pretty so i gave her a few tender strokes of love and care.
on the mrt i saw this guy standing in a train whose hair was tied up neatly but already covering his ass. i was sitting around 1.5 m away and observing another guy sitting behind the hippie. he was perpetually covering his nose. i wonder if the hippie's hair stinks.
audrey is seriously on a chocolate-only diet. i am so surprised. i thought she was just kidding when i read it on her blog. and she is still on that questionable diet. but apparently she has lost some weights. i never knew eating chocolate excessively would result in a weight loss! =s
Ni submitted homework at 5:35 PM | 0 more assignments
My psyche gets balky when they become talky.
I hate to play Scrabble with people who dabble
In encyclopedias.
I think they are tedious.
I hate to play Scrabble with people who wabble
All over the board until they have scored.
But I love to play Scrabble with my kind of rabble.
We're not erudite but we keep our mouth quite
We keep the game moving.
Hell, what are we proving?
- Roz Grossman, ex-NY-tournament-player
[excerpted from Word Freak, Stefan Fatsis]
Ni submitted homework at 4:58 PM | 0 more assignments
Sunday, February 06, 2005
cos it's the time of the month! it's the time where my mood swings from the lowest point up to its peak, completes its cycle period T = 28 days.
after the gig at toa payoh [i hit quite a number of wrong notes, distracted by the mere absence], i went to apple store to shop for accesseries for my long-dead powerbook. i opted for the third-party power adapter instead of the orginal one so to save 50 bucks. saw iMac mini in real person. she's so petite and pretty so i gave her a few tender strokes of love and care.
on the mrt i saw this guy standing in a train whose hair was tied up neatly but already covering his ass. i was sitting around 1.5 m away and observing another guy sitting behind the hippie. he was perpetually covering his nose. i wonder if the hippie's hair stinks.
audrey is seriously on a chocolate-only diet. i am so surprised. i thought she was just kidding when i read it on her blog. and she is still on that questionable diet. but apparently she has lost some weights. i never knew eating chocolate excessively would result in a weight loss! =s
Ni submitted homework at 5:35 PM | 0 more assignments

poem i quite relate
I hate to play Scrabble with people who babble.My psyche gets balky when they become talky.
I hate to play Scrabble with people who dabble
In encyclopedias.
I think they are tedious.
I hate to play Scrabble with people who wabble
All over the board until they have scored.
But I love to play Scrabble with my kind of rabble.
We're not erudite but we keep our mouth quite
We keep the game moving.
Hell, what are we proving?
- Roz Grossman, ex-NY-tournament-player
[excerpted from Word Freak, Stefan Fatsis]
Ni submitted homework at 4:58 PM | 0 more assignments

Sunday, February 06, 2005
"was it real?"
Ni submitted homework at 3:39 PM | 0 more assignments
Ni submitted homework at 3:39 PM | 0 more assignments

i once told esther "if i buy a shirt because i like its colour and the cutting, and one day, after a few washes by hall's the all-time-powerful washing machine, my shirt becomes enlarged and the colour fades, i'll probably throw that shirt away and get a new one."
that's my everyday's philosophy for friendship, any relationship, and life in general.
now i've been washed, too many times. i'm worn out. i'm torn. my colour has faced. it's time you threw me away.
or is it that you bought me with the wrong colour in the first place?
and if i were to be your skirt, i'll probably be too long, just slightly above your knees. my colour would be that puke-inducing pastel pink that you despise so much, with elaborated ribbons and embroideries (sounds like something that esther would love), that happened to be in your room someday somehow.
dustbin. that's where i will end up next.
but you could rip off the embroideries, cut me short and dye me black. add that bit of red paint and silver shain i'll probably look good.
but no. that won't worth your time and effort. if you need a skirt, you could just buy one. skirts are cheap and your wallet is thick.
but no. singapore is freakingly hot. i know you'd wonder why you should bother to wear much cloth in the first place. i think you'd probably dump me somewhere and rather walk around naked!
Ni submitted homework at 10:35 AM | 4 more assignments
that's my everyday's philosophy for friendship, any relationship, and life in general.
now i've been washed, too many times. i'm worn out. i'm torn. my colour has faced. it's time you threw me away.
or is it that you bought me with the wrong colour in the first place?
and if i were to be your skirt, i'll probably be too long, just slightly above your knees. my colour would be that puke-inducing pastel pink that you despise so much, with elaborated ribbons and embroideries (sounds like something that esther would love), that happened to be in your room someday somehow.
dustbin. that's where i will end up next.
but you could rip off the embroideries, cut me short and dye me black. add that bit of red paint and silver shain i'll probably look good.
but no. that won't worth your time and effort. if you need a skirt, you could just buy one. skirts are cheap and your wallet is thick.
but no. singapore is freakingly hot. i know you'd wonder why you should bother to wear much cloth in the first place. i think you'd probably dump me somewhere and rather walk around naked!
Ni submitted homework at 10:35 AM | 4 more assignments
