the still of the night
i can't sleep.time like this, i wish i could be deaf.
the night is too long to go through.
oh... well...
Ni submitted homework at 6:20 AM | 4 more assignments

Strange Attraction
it started with a dedication"Lost in admiration - happy birthday - I'm forever yours"
6 months went by, the summer lost
"Please try to understand. I have to see you - have to feel you.
Tell you all the ways I need you.
yours, forever in love"
her opening so well prepared
a nervous smile
i couldn't take my eyes from her
she whispered...
"can I use some of your lipstick?"
it was perfect so believable
i couldn't help but feel that it was real
and kissing crimson fell into her waiting arms
so alone into the cold new year without another word from her
i wrote to ask if we could maybe meet again before the spring
but weeks went by with no reply untill once more my birthday came
"I'm sorry - blame infatuation - blame imagination.
I was sure you'd be the one but I was wrong.
It seems reality destroys our dreams.
I won't forget you"
-------------- the end ----------------
strange attraction spreads its wings
it varies but the smallest things
you never know how anything will change
strange attraction spreads its wings
and alters but the smallest things
you never know how anything will fade
Ni submitted homework at 5:31 AM | 0 more assignments

kiasu Pt.2
oh yay! i came up with the second solution before my groupmate did. haha... i have an advantage of being a norturnal creature. he was already very sleepy since when he finished the first question. guess what? he usually sleeps before midnight!!! that's madness!but this groupmate is actually quite a nice guy. he saw my msn nick (SOS!! wabbitz killing kitty) and found out more from me. so i was explaining to him that wabbitz is my friend and kitty is me. my friend was trying to kill me on msn by using (gun) emoticon pointing to

but don't think that i am such a meannie being mean to such a nice guy. this guy was actually trying to reject my last tutorial's solution and come up with his own one. he finally did after took my code, simplified it and changed the function name. we presented his version as he claimed his version was simpler and mine was too complicated. of course it's more complicated coz it can handle more things that his version could! idiot! =S
Ni submitted homework at 3:15 AM | 0 more assignments

if u happen to have spare cash (today only!)
get this black beast! i swear i will if only i have some spare cash
components | simlim price |
Presario SR1120CF Desktop + Free Delivery
Compaq Presario SR1120CF Desktop Series Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition Intel® Pentium® 4 2.80GHz, 400MHz FSB 256MB DDR RAM/PC2100 (1 Dimm) Free Upgrade from 40GB to 160GB HDD 48x32x48 CD-RW Drive 9-in-1 Card Reader + 1 USB port Integrated Graphics (Intel Extreme 2) Presario Jupiter keyboard & PS/2 optical scroller mouse Integrated 5.1 Capable Sound w/ Front Audio ports Basic 90 day waranty worth | $100(case)
$120(mainboard) $140 estimated $220 $80 $180 $30 $30 - (comes with the MoBo) $50 - (comes with MoBo) - $950 |
HP is selling it for $999 today only
[come on. even though they're selling it more expensive than simlim price, you get the branding and real quality. FYI, the manufacturers usually supply these big OEMs with better quality - stricter QC - components than those being sold in simlim. - confirmed by frined working with Maxtor]
- doesn't come with monitor
- i may overestimate the processor price
- you should upgrade your RAM to 512 (but buy from simlim. don't upgrade with HP)
- maybe you can add combo drive (DVD+CDRW) for just about $85 dollars
- for gamers, upgrade the graphic card to a more decent one
- follow my suggestion, this box will be powerful enough to do pretty much everything you can think of.
- you are entitled to buy HP PSC 2310 all-in-one printer for $239 (UP. $449)
- and also iPaq rz1710 Pocket PC for just $399 (UP. $449)
- who wants to buy this thing and doesn't want to use your right to buy printer and pocket pc, please tell me!
- and no, i dont get any commission from HP! =S
Ni submitted homework at 2:07 AM | 0 more assignments

my groupmate managed to come up with the tutorial solution that we are supposed to present before i could. i feel... mm... insulted? lost? chey... not that i couldn't do. i just didn't have time (trying to console myself)well, there's still one more question unsolved. i must solve it before him.
argh... feel like i'm such a kiasu little bitch. =S
Ni submitted homework at 1:55 AM | 0 more assignments

Tuesday, September 28, 2004
The Ni Vs The Insulting Taxi Driver
i am angry with your fellow singaporean that i came across last night.i was insulted by a taxi driver!
as you probably could have known by the previous post of my imposter that i went out in the middle of the night to search for a wine bottle opener for my psycho rab-bitch. i went down to the bus stop nearby my hall expecting some cabs to pass by but there was none. and i was dumb enough to forget to bring my phone along. i couldn't call for a cab. so i decided to walk out. i walked all the way till i reached CHC then the cab appeared.
the taxi driver seemed to be very friendly cos he striked a conversation as soon as i got on the car.
the driver: so where are u from?
me: thailand.
the driver: what are you doing here?
[while i just told him a second ago that i walked out from NTU. do i have a professor look?!]
me: er... study.
the driver: oh... so where do you study before this?
me: in thailand.
the driver: in thailand ah?! u study in thai or english?
me: in thai.
the driver: huh?! everything in thai?
me: ya... everything in thai.
the driver: so how do u find studying here?
me: erm... alright. it's fine.
the driver: ah? but everything is english. then how?
me[started getting insulted]: er... yah... i think it's fine.
the driver: but everything is in english. everyone is speaking english.
he asked as if i wasn't speaking to him in english but an alien language.
me:er... yah... i can speak english, can't i?
the driver with his disbelieving voice: yah... but everything is english, the lectures, the books, the notes, everything!
at this point of time i felt that my intellect was very much insulted and i ran out of way to convince him that people actually have ability to learn and adapt in foreign environment. my ego in me told me to just tell him off that i'm a scholar so he'd shut up.
reluctantly i told him: mm... yah... but i've got a scholarship to study here.
by now he should have got my point. but no. he was very determined to insult me and make me believe that foreigners from non-english-speaking countries can't survive studying in singapore. he paused for a while, trying to keep cool. then he continued his attempt
the driver: ah... scholarship ah? thai scholarship or singapore scholarship?
i could feel his attempt to discriminate thai scholars
me: singapore scholarship.
the driver: is it from the company or what?
me: no. from singapore government, ministry of foreign affair.
he probably didn't have anything to say anymore. but to save his face, he had to.
the driver: so how long will you be here?
me: 4 years.
the driver: 4 years ah?!
[he repeated with his excited voice. i know long ago there were only 3-year courses with no direct honour]
me: yah. it's a 4-year course, engineering.
the driver: oh... so what year are u already? how are u coping? how many more years left?
i know i look young. he probably thought i'm a freshie and hasn't experienced the real tough life of studying here.
me: i'm at my final year already. going to graduate next year (in my mind, i continued - i hope)
the driver: so what are u gonna do after graduate? your father is rich, u can set up a business here.
i don't know where he's got the idea that my father is rich from. i supposed he believed that my father is so damn rich so that he could bribe the singapore minister of foreign affair to take me in as a scholar.
me:uh... no. too bad he isn't rich.
the conversion was paused for a while as we reached 7-eleven. i went down to find the opener but they don't sell it there. luckily the nice 7-eleven lady lent me hers. so i bought a few bottles of drink from them.
as i got back to the car, the driver heard the cranking sound of the bottles.
the driver: so u bought beer ah?
me: uh... no. just mixed drink. i don't like beer.
that's when he start preaching me about how drinking is bad for you and you shouldn't drink when you're a student. i'm sure you don't wanna hear about it.
as writing this, i feel that i'm so lucky that i feceived a scholarship and that i decided to take it. (i almost rejected it) and i'm so grateful of the singapore government for giving me such a great opportunity without any tie. [i know most of u reading this have been cursing and swearing how i waste your parents' tax pay. but believe me, i sure will contribute back to your country somehow. ;)
Ni submitted homework at 4:35 AM | 0 more assignments

Monday, September 27, 2004
i am a silly pms-ing lil bitch who whines whines and whines. i cannot feed myself but i go out at 3 am to get an unappreciative bigger insane psycho bitch a wine bottle opener so that she can feed her alcoholism and not have to bang the bottle upside down or attempt to screw it (doesnt this line sound suggestive?)you see im just insane.

You don't care if you are superior to all other Asians or not, because being Thai is just cool in itself.
Your last name has a minimum of 15 letters.
Adding chilli, vinegar and sugar to your food from a condiment plate is normal and not indicative of the standard of the chef's cooking.
You smile alot.
You are excessively polite.
When you cuss you sound decent.
Triple espresso's start tasting bland
You have nightmares about SCHEME and ProLog.
Instead of using MS Word, you type your essay for school in HTML using NotePad.
School? What's that?
You can multiply a 32 bit binary number by a 6 digit hexadecimal number in your head.
You laugh at movies that show programmers at work.
You get withdrawal symptoms if you're away from a computer for more than 3 hours
(Lines_of_Code) / (Hours_of_Sleep) < (Number_of_Energy_Drinks_Consumed)
When you can say with a great level of confidance that you have written more lines of code than english.
You wake up in the middle of the night with the solution to your coding problem.
You get drunk\high\otherwise intoxicated just for a different coding experience.
You think of sex as an algorithm.
The first time you use another person's computer it takes you less than 30 seconds to completely disable all useless programs from running at boot and uninstalling all the ad-ware the fools had on the system.
The people you respect most you have never physically seen or spoken to, but you always bow to their knowledge.
Your bookmarks list takes 15 minutes to scroll from top to bottom.
You find yourself brainstorming for new subjects to Google.
You refuse to go to a vacation spot with no electricity and no phone lines.
You finally do take that vacation, but only after buying a cellular modem and a laptop.
Your dreams are in HTML.
You check your mail. It says "no new messages." So you check it again.
You code your homework in HTML and give your intsructor the URL.
You don't know what sex your three of your closeset friends are, because they have nuetral screennames and you never bothered to ask.
You name your children Google, Friendster and Blogger
You miss more than five meals a week downloading the latest MP3's off Kazaa Lite.
You start tilting your head sideways to smile.
You have "Googled" all your friends to try to find out anything interesteing that they are not telling you and you can use against them later.
You message someone via IM when they are less than 20 feet away.
The sound of the keys clicking turns you on.
You have more browsers than friends in the real world.
Ni submitted homework at 6:18 PM | 0 more assignments

Sunday, September 26, 2004
i can't believe this
5 minutes ago, i was actually considering cutting myself, wrists or arms or whatsoever. (i know it's dumb.)while i am always the one condemning people doing that,
i actually thought of doing it myself.
no. i didn't mean to get attention.
i was just sad. so sad.
i broke down. i cried out loud.
and all i wanted to do is just to forget about my sadness.
i've been trying and struggling to be happy for the past 15 hours.
i want to go out but i just can't.
i want to study but i can't concentrate.
i tried to sleep, but when i did, i just kept thinking about things that make me sad and it made me cry even more.
so i thought of how people like to cut their wrists. why do they do so? i never understand. from what i understand is that, most of them just want to get attention from whoever they think they care.
but i'm sure they're people who do it not just becos they want attention.
why so?
maybe it helps?
help what?
help you to forget about your sadness?
so for a few minutes, i was convinced that pain might help me out.
then my sanity regained.
i'm so scared of pain. i'm such a wimp. how can pain help me then? it probably works for other people. perhaps not for me. it's just gonna make the matter worse.
[--friends, be relieved. even though i'm still young and hopeless, i'm not that hopeless anymore. (though i think just the thought of cutting myself alone makes me look hopeless enough)--]
so now i'm gonna try some other means to make me happy. (i always thrive to be happy) now i am gonna go out. i am going to eat some cows or huge chunks of chicken. i suppose that'll probably work for me!
wish me luck!
Ni submitted homework at 5:08 PM | 0 more assignments

Saturday, September 25, 2004
i think i need...
an angermanagement!!!
today i woke up, already forgetten what had happened last night til i was reminded. then when i recalled what happened, i couldn't believe i wrote all those things down.
i reread my blogs. i felt unbelievable. it is unlike me to do or write such things during normal circumstances. but i remembered myself writing it last night. i remembered myself felt so strongly about it til i had to write it down. but this morning, everything was a non-issue to me. and i couldn't believe that i did it out of anger.
oh well... it's actually not really surprising to me considering i used to have a serious problem with anger before. i have a quick temper. but i thought i'd conquered it. i guess i need to be more careful with my temper next time then.
Ni submitted homework at 11:51 PM | 0 more assignments

FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKi'm fuckingly angry and all i can do is talking to the computer screen coz when i want to speak, no one is listening to me. so what happened to the "speak or forever hold your peace"?
Ni submitted homework at 6:46 AM | 0 more assignments

it's friday night
"we're going out tonight. i'll see her later on tonight.but now it's time to roll. the somber state is getting old.
well, i never do what i'm told. so now we're gonna roll.
with a top down, seat back, rollin' in my cadillac"
no. my life is no cadillac. i just spent my friday night in one of the most inaccessible area in singapore.
i had dinner at the foodcourt. spent the next 4 hours at coffee bean trying to comprehend how Scheme (a functional programming language that i just learnt) works. caught a funnily stupid dumb crap comedy show (White Chicks) at midnight. came back home, bathed and going to tug myself in bed watch DVD after writing this.
sounds boring huh?
no. i'm a closet geek. i like to study (only what i'm interested in). i like to spend time in front of computer playing scrabble and text twist. i also like to spend my whole weekend at home assembling or fixing my freaking computers.
i used to do all above activites alone and be happy.
but tonight, i did them with someone else. thus, double the joy.
who needs to be seen at zouk's member area on friday night?
who needs to go lawry's for dinner?
who needs to go orchard for shopping on weekend? (anyway, simlim is my favourite shopping mall)
no i don't.
all i need is her. anywhere, anytime, anything.
i'm the happiest man in the world.
Ni submitted homework at 3:28 AM | 0 more assignments

Friday, September 24, 2004
beautiful one
someoneissomehowsowonderfulandi'msomewhatamazed.Ni submitted homework at 1:39 PM | 0 more assignments

Thursday, September 23, 2004
my guilty pleasure secret

yay! Pug Jelly full album is out!
i know it's kinda lame to be a pug jelly's fan (somewhat like being a good charlotte's fan). but hey... u know punk rock is my friend and masashi, the guitarist, is cute! (rugged-looking jap boy)
gonna catch their live acoustic set at HMV heren this sat, 3-4pm. anyone wanna join me? hahah... =P
Ni submitted homework at 3:38 PM | 0 more assignments

yeah! i finally upgraded my room's network. i'm now able to surf and chat while i shit! ain't that cool?! =DNi submitted homework at 1:47 AM | 0 more assignments

Monday, September 20, 2004
i am happy.i managed to finish all my assignments within the deadlines. my HRM project, advert. designs, data management technical paper and tutorial, choice of cryptography technical paper - all done on time. i was quite stressed during the recess coz there were just too many things to do. but now everything is done. i'm so relieved.
and the recording went so well, too. i finished my part. pin finished hers. we only have left with the lead guitar and vocal parts which will be done on wednesday. i can't wait to listen the end product. for now, so far so good. we're quite happy with the overall sound. my bass track sounds good too cos we recorded through the amp. there's more punch than the direct line-in. but well, i think my part can be improved. there're some portions that aren't so tight. my rhythm doesn't exactly align with the drum. but when we replayed the recorded drum, bass and rhythm guitar tracks altogether, it didn't sound so obvious. it sounded quite good.
asked jeff, the soundbox owner, for the GarageBand. he'll bring it for me on wed. so happy. now i can mix our own songs on my powerbook. yay! =D
Ni submitted homework at 8:31 PM | 0 more assignments

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Ni submitted homework at 10:52 PM | 0 more assignments

and i hereby declare that...
i am attached.[disclaimer: "i am attached" means "i am attached". i am attached to the person but not vice versa. it doesn't necessarily mean that the person is attached to me unless it's publicly declared by both parties.]
Ni submitted homework at 8:12 AM | 0 more assignments

happy ending
i haven't slept yet. but my wish has expectedly come true. it's always worth staying up for the day to end happily so i can sleep soundly, isn't it?actually, it's always worth trying even though the chances are almost zero coz i know even if it happens once among millions tries, the happiness i gain is always worth millions attempts and outweighs all the disappointments in the world.
Ni submitted homework at 8:02 AM | 0 more assignments

an eventful day
today i went to a wedding dinner whose the groom and the bride are the youngest among the weddings i've been to. the bride is pocky's friend. she is 20. the groom is 21. and currently their baby is few month-old. won't it be cool? when their kids are old enough to go clubbing, the parents won't be too old to join the kids and their friends. that's why i keep telling qq to get married early. right after graduate will be perfect. =Dand i went to pocky's friend's birthday party at cocolatte. nothing worth mentioning but the fact that pocky managed to make me pole-dance with her. it was so damn hot but it's just not my thing. maybe i should learn to love it. but argh... wonder how esther and qq will react if they know this. they probably secretly wish they could join me. =D
it was quite a fun day. i was wishing the day would end happily and it would be so perfect. but life is a roller coaster of emotions. the day didn't end happily as i wished.
oh well, what's new.
Ni submitted homework at 6:03 AM | 4 more assignments

Saturday, September 18, 2004
oh.... my gosh!!!!!!
pocky's mum just called!!!!!**still in a shock**
i talked to her for like... 10 minutes.
oh man... i feel like fainting.
pocky shoudn't have been bathing when she called, otherwise, i wouldn't have to talk to her.
Ni submitted homework at 1:46 AM | 0 more assignments

Friday, September 17, 2004
my soul's trait
Your soul is STEADFAST. You are a fiercely loyal
person who would never cross a loved one.
People always know they can rely on you and
your dependability is well-known. You're
probably a little on the quiet side, but your
faithfulness is never doubted, and you always
back up your kith and kin whether they want or
need it or not. You are a dependable and
trusted soul.
What Is Your Soul's Trait?
brought to you by Quizilla
Ni submitted homework at 6:00 PM | 0 more assignments

Thursday, September 16, 2004
recording Pt.2
"playing to a click at 163 is a challenge. but playing to a click at 163 in one ear and the rest of a messy band in the other is a fucking nightmare"- audrey
apparently playing with click track ain't that easy and it can be very distracting sometimes, especially when one or more pieces go off-beat. so we, the guitars clan, decided to remove the click track from the headphones and listen to the drum instead. but as quoted by the drummer, it turned out to be a nightmare for her. actually i could feel that there were some points of the song that we played by our own feels, not by the drumbeat. that's probably very annoying and distracting to audrey.
well, we're gonna do the recording again this sunday. the drum tracks were kept but might take a new one if audrey does better on sunday. but definitely, this time i'll have to get my track done so that the rest can go down individually to record with the drum and bass track.
btw, the mizery free guys offered us the share the slot with them in the gig for F1 powerboat championship. what a waste chris can't take leave on that day. what would a band be without a singer? =S
Ni submitted homework at 7:27 PM | 1 more assignments

Wednesday, September 15, 2004
yay... i am going off for a recording in few minutes. i'm quite excited. we haven't jammed for weeks. hopefully the tightness is still there. this time we'll try sound box. heard it's good. it'd better be good. the last studio that we went sucks big time.i hope everything will go well today.
Ni submitted homework at 7:33 PM | 0 more assignments

new blog!
welcome to my new blog!! =Dactually i don't know why i bother to have a new blog since i don't blog very often and all i blog is rubbish.
Ni submitted homework at 7:12 PM | 0 more assignments

in thailand

at the border of Thailand and Burmar. we bought load of cheap and lousy DVDs there.

Ni submitted homework at 6:38 PM | 0 more assignments

i like it
actually, i quite like this blog. and they provide site feeder as well. maybe i should change my default blog to this one.Ni submitted homework at 4:36 PM | 0 more assignments
