i have been back many days ago actually. it was indeed a good getaway from all the worries that were bombarding me last week. but i am back just to face more worries caused by a disater of a harddisk crash (after leaving it on while i was away). despaired by my carelessness that i didn't backup my FYP files in my comp. i sulked in my room, spent days and nights fixing my broken heart and trying to rescue the data. as the attempt to recover the files failed, i spent a few more days and nights identifying working harddisks from my harddisk graveyard, re-installing windows and redoing my project. that's what i've been up to and what have kept me away from updating the blog.
i haven't written for long. i've got many things to say. too many that i have forgotten most of them. these are what i can recall for now and probably worth mentioning for they last in my memory.
- my FYP is 75% done.
- i get paid for playing music.
- there appeared suddenly a big brown caterpillar in my bathtub while i was showering at the resort in Desaru.
- i paid $62 for a grand total of one glass of carlsberg last night.
- i paid S$25 for a firefly tour in Desaru to see fireflies that i roughly counted them and i realised i used to have more fireflies than that in my backyard back home.
- i wanna meet Dorian Gray.
- i will soon renounce a possibility of me working for a 9-to-6 job when i have a more concrete plan of what to do with my life
- movies you must watch: hotel rwanda [it will do good to your well hidden moral - that is if you have one or believe there exists such thing], finding neverland [a mesmerizing movie that will make you ask yourself "Do you believe in fairies?"]
Ni submitted homework at 7:45 PM | 4 more assignments

Tuesday, January 18, 2005
i'm a weird total-loser mid-rank nerd
Ni submitted homework at 6:39 PM | 0 more assignments

Monday, January 17, 2005
i went to school today. although so late that i already missed the first 4 lectures, i was determined to attend the last (and perhaps most useless) 2 hours of econs lecture at 4.30pm.
i was reading and having my first cup of coffee at coffee club while waiting for my class. it was then that i realised that i actually missed going to school. and i mean school as a place not an educational institute. i remember how i liked reading newspaper or other magazines and drinking hot tea in cold lectures. or chilling out, drinking iced coffee in those hot days at coffee club. now i don't really get a chance to do it anymore as i seldom go to school. maybe i should restore those days and cherish my last semester in school.
lecture was useless, though not as useless as i expected. luckily oscar, my best friend in CE, saw me. he waved at me and signaled me to sit beside him. he was equipped with his tablet pc. so i allowed myself to be entertained by his techie toy for the whole 2 hours.
on 199 bus back to hall (i have given up hope on our shuttle bus), i saw this guy listening to mp3 on his XDA II mini. once again my jealousy stirred. i drooled over the gadget for a while then consoled myself that, in few hour time, i'll be collecting my new toy. though not as appetizing as the XDA mini, it will satisfy my voracious crave for gizmos for a while.
Cody just gave me a Restaurant Empire pc game. it was supposed to be a chrismas present but we didn't manage to meet before this cos i couldn't be bothered less. this happens when geek decides to go after another geek. they give each other PC games, computer magazines, computer spare parts, talk about linux or how insecured windows is, discuss how to solve some programming problems. and if they are to have a date, they probably mutually agree to go to simlim for an afternoon out together.
Ni submitted homework at 6:36 PM | 2 more assignments
Sunday, January 16, 2005
i was reading and having my first cup of coffee at coffee club while waiting for my class. it was then that i realised that i actually missed going to school. and i mean school as a place not an educational institute. i remember how i liked reading newspaper or other magazines and drinking hot tea in cold lectures. or chilling out, drinking iced coffee in those hot days at coffee club. now i don't really get a chance to do it anymore as i seldom go to school. maybe i should restore those days and cherish my last semester in school.
lecture was useless, though not as useless as i expected. luckily oscar, my best friend in CE, saw me. he waved at me and signaled me to sit beside him. he was equipped with his tablet pc. so i allowed myself to be entertained by his techie toy for the whole 2 hours.
on 199 bus back to hall (i have given up hope on our shuttle bus), i saw this guy listening to mp3 on his XDA II mini. once again my jealousy stirred. i drooled over the gadget for a while then consoled myself that, in few hour time, i'll be collecting my new toy. though not as appetizing as the XDA mini, it will satisfy my voracious crave for gizmos for a while.
Cody just gave me a Restaurant Empire pc game. it was supposed to be a chrismas present but we didn't manage to meet before this cos i couldn't be bothered less. this happens when geek decides to go after another geek. they give each other PC games, computer magazines, computer spare parts, talk about linux or how insecured windows is, discuss how to solve some programming problems. and if they are to have a date, they probably mutually agree to go to simlim for an afternoon out together.
Ni submitted homework at 6:36 PM | 2 more assignments

Sunday, January 16, 2005
i've been worrying myself with much stuff for the past week. it's all the small things that require decision-making (which i refused to do so)and an absence of procrastination. to simplify my life, i forced myself (or rather pocky forced me) to come up with decisions for a few things which i list below.
1. i am postponing my trip back to thailand to febrary, probably during the recess.
2. i am giving up my trip to sydney so i can stay here and do what i think i should do.
3. i am going to desaru next weekend for FFN annual retreat cum AGM.
now things left stressing me are stuff like FYP, 20 songs to learn for the acoustic set, catching up with lectures that i've missed. i know i can get rid of all this stress just by stop procrastinating and really get things done. but well, i am not really in a mood to do anything right now. all i want to do is to go back to thailand, see my parents and my friends, take a short break, lie around and ponder about life.
btw, my ex will be here on 27th this month for shopping while waiting for a transit to bangkok the next day, not to visit me though. mm =(
Ni submitted homework at 3:53 PM | 0 more assignments
Oscar Wilde: The Portrait of Dorian Gray. You are a
horror novel from the world of dandies, rich
pretty boys, art and aesthetics, and
intellectual debates between ethical people and
decadent pleasure-seekers. You value beauty and
pleasure but realize their dangers, as well.
Which literature classic are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
You're Holden Caulfield. You've grown up with very
high expectations to bear, and suddenly it all
seems too much to handle. Everyone and
everything seems phony to you, and you've
become wildly cynical. You're still desperate
to find meaning in the human relationships
around you, but no one seems to really
understand what you're all about.
What Character from Literature Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Ni submitted homework at 1:13 PM | 0 more assignments
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Scan yourself now
Ni submitted homework at 9:32 PM | 0 more assignments
Following the low-priced eMac is Apple's extremely adorable Mac mini. starting from S$928, it packs Power Mac G4 processor with 256 MB RAM in a sleek tiny little box that's only 2" thick, making it a perfect second PC in your bed room or in the kitchen!
another product comes under the iPod family, a long-anticipated flash-based player - iPod Shuffle. for only S$178, iPod Shuffle boasts 512 MB memory space in an all-white ultra-slim (0.8 cm, 22 g) package. the 1 GB model costs only $90 more. the only serious downside of the iPod Shuffle i foresee it might turn most of its potential customers (including me) off is the lack of LCD screen. imagine navigating blindly through those 200 songs just to find that one particular track. i really hope Apple will come up with the Shuffle generation 2 that has built-in LCD soon.
both products are already available at the Apple Store (Singapore).
Ni submitted homework at 4:44 PM | 0 more assignments
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
1. i am postponing my trip back to thailand to febrary, probably during the recess.
2. i am giving up my trip to sydney so i can stay here and do what i think i should do.
3. i am going to desaru next weekend for FFN annual retreat cum AGM.
now things left stressing me are stuff like FYP, 20 songs to learn for the acoustic set, catching up with lectures that i've missed. i know i can get rid of all this stress just by stop procrastinating and really get things done. but well, i am not really in a mood to do anything right now. all i want to do is to go back to thailand, see my parents and my friends, take a short break, lie around and ponder about life.
btw, my ex will be here on 27th this month for shopping while waiting for a transit to bangkok the next day, not to visit me though. mm =(
Ni submitted homework at 3:53 PM | 0 more assignments

liturature quizzes

Oscar Wilde: The Portrait of Dorian Gray. You are a
horror novel from the world of dandies, rich
pretty boys, art and aesthetics, and
intellectual debates between ethical people and
decadent pleasure-seekers. You value beauty and
pleasure but realize their dangers, as well.
Which literature classic are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Holden Caulfield. You've grown up with very
high expectations to bear, and suddenly it all
seems too much to handle. Everyone and
everything seems phony to you, and you've
become wildly cynical. You're still desperate
to find meaning in the human relationships
around you, but no one seems to really
understand what you're all about.
What Character from Literature Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Ni submitted homework at 1:13 PM | 0 more assignments

Thursday, January 13, 2005
Human Virus Scanner
The virus that have infected you will be show here along with thier cures, if known.Viruses you suffer from:
- Junkfood
- Eat some real food. Something which you can identify the source of every ingredient, not the point of manufacture.
- Religion
- Read "God's Debris" by Scott Adams (yes, the Dilbert guy)
- Free BSD
- The GPL isn't that bad really. Adopt a penguin at the zoo.
- Brand Names
- Having a well-known name doesn't make it good.
- Environmentalism
- Consume more stuff! It's easier to buy new stuff than to recycle.
- Macintosh
- Use a mouse with more than one button.
Viruses you might suffer from:
- Linux (95%)
- Install the latest version of Microsoft Windows. Learn to love it.
- Politics (95%)
- Stop caring!
- X11 (60%)
- I hear Mac OS 10 Aqua is nice at this time of year.
- Computer Games (60%)
- Stop staring at the screen and get some fresh air. You should see a doctor about the RSI in your thumbs.
Scan yourself now
Ni submitted homework at 9:32 PM | 0 more assignments

Apple goes low-end
Apple's launch of 2 new low-end products gives more hip options to a budget-conscious market.Following the low-priced eMac is Apple's extremely adorable Mac mini. starting from S$928, it packs Power Mac G4 processor with 256 MB RAM in a sleek tiny little box that's only 2" thick, making it a perfect second PC in your bed room or in the kitchen!

another product comes under the iPod family, a long-anticipated flash-based player - iPod Shuffle. for only S$178, iPod Shuffle boasts 512 MB memory space in an all-white ultra-slim (0.8 cm, 22 g) package. the 1 GB model costs only $90 more. the only serious downside of the iPod Shuffle i foresee it might turn most of its potential customers (including me) off is the lack of LCD screen. imagine navigating blindly through those 200 songs just to find that one particular track. i really hope Apple will come up with the Shuffle generation 2 that has built-in LCD soon.

both products are already available at the Apple Store (Singapore).
Ni submitted homework at 4:44 PM | 0 more assignments

Tuesday, January 11, 2005
i saw leon just now. i was on the shuttle bus and he was jogging along the road near hall 1. i looked at him through the window from the bus. he smiled that gentle smile and waved at me. he is soooo cute as ever. 5 mins later, the shuttle bus reached my hall. i got off and i heard someone called out my name from not so far away. i looked around. it's leon. he was running towards me. i smiled at him and said "hey u are fast". he just smiled back and ran pass me. i swear leon is one of the cutest and sweetest guy i've ever met in NTU
Ni submitted homework at 6:57 PM | 2 more assignments
Before we proceed, pls read the warning label. We're talking a different kinda Valentine's Day. As most will say, not for the faint-hearted.
Valentine's Day Wakefest at Marina Country Club. For both wakeboarders and people who wanna have a taste of the sport. Wakeboarding, DJ music, BBQ fiesta - that's just the icing on the cake. Call 6388 8388 or click here to find out more.
(pls feel free to rip and distribute)
Ni submitted homework at 4:30 AM | 2 more assignments
it looks as if i've stopped going to school. i only went for french on friday and i didn't go to school at all on yesterday. school sucks. i don't see why the lecturers can't put in just a little more effort to make their lectures more interesting. or maybe that's just engineering lectures. and now they just announced the fee hike and a plan to corporatize the university. i wonder what that can do to the quality of lectures and welfare of the students. the school fee that they are currently collecting is heavy enough to put most of the students in debt for many years after they graduate. and i'm sure after the corporatization, the fee will be much much higher that what already being raised. and let's see what our school's vision is. they're having many more new schools, increasing in student intake, building new halls. but take a look at our infrastructure. computer terminals and study desks in library are perpetually fully occupied. there are never enough seats in canteens during lunchtime. i already gave up having lunch before 2pm. my lecture theatre is always full and i always have to sit on the steps cos i'm always late. and did they ever mention the plan of building more canteens or more libraries? no. i really don't know what the school is thinking.
anyway, i'm preparing for an acoustic set at marina country club. esther is doing a publicity campaign for them for her FYP. they offer regular wakeboarding service. and in february, they're having a wakefest on a weekend before valentines's day. beach babes and hunks do check it out!
Ni submitted homework at 1:43 AM | 0 more assignments
Monday, January 10, 2005
Ni submitted homework at 6:57 PM | 2 more assignments

Valentine's Day WakeFest '04

Before we proceed, pls read the warning label. We're talking a different kinda Valentine's Day. As most will say, not for the faint-hearted.
Valentine's Day Wakefest at Marina Country Club. For both wakeboarders and people who wanna have a taste of the sport. Wakeboarding, DJ music, BBQ fiesta - that's just the icing on the cake. Call 6388 8388 or click here to find out more.
(pls feel free to rip and distribute)
Ni submitted homework at 4:30 AM | 2 more assignments

corporatization of schools
total no. of hours i attended lectures so far: 3.5it looks as if i've stopped going to school. i only went for french on friday and i didn't go to school at all on yesterday. school sucks. i don't see why the lecturers can't put in just a little more effort to make their lectures more interesting. or maybe that's just engineering lectures. and now they just announced the fee hike and a plan to corporatize the university. i wonder what that can do to the quality of lectures and welfare of the students. the school fee that they are currently collecting is heavy enough to put most of the students in debt for many years after they graduate. and i'm sure after the corporatization, the fee will be much much higher that what already being raised. and let's see what our school's vision is. they're having many more new schools, increasing in student intake, building new halls. but take a look at our infrastructure. computer terminals and study desks in library are perpetually fully occupied. there are never enough seats in canteens during lunchtime. i already gave up having lunch before 2pm. my lecture theatre is always full and i always have to sit on the steps cos i'm always late. and did they ever mention the plan of building more canteens or more libraries? no. i really don't know what the school is thinking.
anyway, i'm preparing for an acoustic set at marina country club. esther is doing a publicity campaign for them for her FYP. they offer regular wakeboarding service. and in february, they're having a wakefest on a weekend before valentines's day. beach babes and hunks do check it out!
Ni submitted homework at 1:43 AM | 0 more assignments

Monday, January 10, 2005
it was a cold saturday morning. the rain was still pouring outside. i woke up with a bad headache, probably because of the serious lack of sleep or a cold that i've had for a week. my head felt heavy. my brain felt as if it was totally blank. i could not think. my brain didn't work - like a drunk person with a calm manner. i dragged myself to the bathroom. stoned at the basin, i looked at myself in a mirror, trying to put back pieces of my consciousness together. my head was still blank. i tried hard just to think of something to think. but no... my brain still did not work. i couldn't think at all but i knew i was restless. i let hot water ran over my shivering body, hoping it would calm me down. i stood naked under the running hot water for a mere 10 minutes but the cooling effect did not take place. at that point of time that i realised what sort of warmth i actually needed.
Ni submitted homework at 7:00 AM | 1 more assignments
Friday, January 07, 2005
If a kiss means this night is over
I don't wanna have to say goodbye
Girl don't leave me standing at your door
When this night could lead to so much more
I wanna hold you
I wanna touch you
So when I kiss you,
Don't wanna kiss you good night"
Ni submitted homework at 4:05 AM | 0 more assignments
Monday, January 03, 2005
[kidding, i know esther will like this]
ni's timetable
Ni submitted homework at 1:22 PM | 2 more assignments
Ni submitted homework at 7:00 AM | 1 more assignments

Friday, January 07, 2005
Good night
"I don't wanna kiss you goodnightIf a kiss means this night is over
I don't wanna have to say goodbye
Girl don't leave me standing at your door
When this night could lead to so much more
I wanna hold you
I wanna touch you
So when I kiss you,
Don't wanna kiss you good night"
Ni submitted homework at 4:05 AM | 0 more assignments

Monday, January 03, 2005
online timetable [updated]
for those who want to stalk me =D[kidding, i know esther will like this]
ni's timetable
Ni submitted homework at 1:22 PM | 2 more assignments

it's amazing how school is going to start in one and a half hour time. i'm not mentally or physically prepared yet. FYP undone. timetable unchecked. lecture notes unread. but i'm sure it's gonna be a good start. i'm in a confident mood today. probably just recovered from PMS.
too bad it was raining the whole day yesterday. there was no crowd for our gig at the istana park. we techically performed to the pool and the organisers. but it's okay, we shall take it as a free jam.
just a note, water is a turn-off.
Ni submitted homework at 6:56 AM | 0 more assignments
Saturday, January 01, 2005
before that was a dinner at original sin. it's so hard for me to pick anything from the menu cos everything they have seems to be very scary. full of all kinds of vegetables some i don't even know. (and yes.. you know, my vocabulary on veggies is very poor) but the NYE set was so good. the main course was something like a slice of cake consists of layers of mozzarella, portabello and spinach. it was one of the best mushroom dish i ever tried. and champagne is not good for me. i felt dizzy after 3 glasses leaving pocky to finish the whole bottle by herself.
btw, i read the news and heard a lot of people wanted NYE celebrations to be canceled (esther is one of them). they claimed a lot of people have recently died because of the tsunami and we shouldn't be celebrating. i say a lot of people are dying everyday. now that you're aware of it, now that it's your family, you want the whole world to stop and mourn for you. i think it's ridiculous. it's totally different issue. of course we should do everything we can to help the victims and their families. but by canceling the celebrations won't do any good to them. in fact, you should have taken this oppotunity to do some donation drives (like what some have done). people are in a good new year mood. they're willing to donate. i think people should think twice or thrice before making so much noise about this and that. it's just irritating.
Ni submitted homework at 4:52 PM | 0 more assignments
too bad it was raining the whole day yesterday. there was no crowd for our gig at the istana park. we techically performed to the pool and the organisers. but it's okay, we shall take it as a free jam.
just a note, water is a turn-off.
Ni submitted homework at 6:56 AM | 0 more assignments

Saturday, January 01, 2005
happy new year
there was at least a reason for me to celebrate NYE cos qq won herself an air ticket to LA for salsa congress as a champion of a yearly salsa competition at union square last night. esther, pocky and i were there to support her. we were screaming so loudly and everyone turned to look at us. :Pbefore that was a dinner at original sin. it's so hard for me to pick anything from the menu cos everything they have seems to be very scary. full of all kinds of vegetables some i don't even know. (and yes.. you know, my vocabulary on veggies is very poor) but the NYE set was so good. the main course was something like a slice of cake consists of layers of mozzarella, portabello and spinach. it was one of the best mushroom dish i ever tried. and champagne is not good for me. i felt dizzy after 3 glasses leaving pocky to finish the whole bottle by herself.
btw, i read the news and heard a lot of people wanted NYE celebrations to be canceled (esther is one of them). they claimed a lot of people have recently died because of the tsunami and we shouldn't be celebrating. i say a lot of people are dying everyday. now that you're aware of it, now that it's your family, you want the whole world to stop and mourn for you. i think it's ridiculous. it's totally different issue. of course we should do everything we can to help the victims and their families. but by canceling the celebrations won't do any good to them. in fact, you should have taken this oppotunity to do some donation drives (like what some have done). people are in a good new year mood. they're willing to donate. i think people should think twice or thrice before making so much noise about this and that. it's just irritating.
Ni submitted homework at 4:52 PM | 0 more assignments
