Ni submitted homework at 9:39 PM | 0 more assignments

Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Tell you I'm sorry,
You don't know how lovely you are.
I had to find you,
Tell you I need you,
Tell you I set you apart.
Tell me your secrets,
And ask me your questions,
Oh, let's go back to the start.
Runnin' in circles,
Comin' up tails,
Its only science apart.
Nobody said it was easy,
It's such a shame for us to part.
Nobody said it was easy,
No one ever said it would be this hard.
Oh, take me back to the start.
I was just guessing,
At numbers and figures,
Pulling the puzzles apart.
Questions of science,
Science and progress,
Do not speak as loud as my heart.
Tell me you love me,
Come back and haunt me,
Oh, when I rush to the start.
Runnin' in circles,
Chasin' tails,
Comin' back as we are.
Nobody said it was easy,
Oh, it's such a shame for us to part.
Nobody said it was easy,
No one ever said it would be so hard.
I'm goin' back to the start.
Ni submitted homework at 4:37 AM | 2 more assignments

Tuesday, March 08, 2005
stop imagining things! last night i heard weird sounds. and just now i woke up smelling Samperona and it felt so real. i think i'm gonna start seeing weird things soon! =sNi submitted homework at 2:17 PM | 0 more assignments

anyway, i know what tomorrow has in store for me - french quiz and, maybe, a waffle!
so lemme practice.
[excusez-moi pour disparition de accents. je ne peux pas ecrire francais dans mon journal]
aujourd'hui, je n'ai rein fait. je suis allee a l'ecole pour mon projet (FYP) mais je n'ai pas pu finir mon logiciel. donc, je suis allee pour lecon economique. il n'a pas ete tres interessant.
la soiree, je suis allee a coffee bean parce que j'ai vu etudier et j'a vu boire un bon cafe au lait. je suis retournee a 11 heurs.
maintenent, je veux me coucher.
Bonne nuit tout de monde.
Ni submitted homework at 6:14 AM | 0 more assignments

we were born alone and we will die alone. we do just fine being alone.
the fan is making an annoying noise again. i decided to drown the room with some punk tunes. neither the irritating noise nor the footsteps is audible anymore.
i pushed your ashtray aside. i cleared your leftover can of beer and stocked more beer in my fridge. i bought broccoli and cauliflower to boil for supper
the brightly lit room. the same old punk tunes that we used to listen together in my car. a cool can of beer that we used to share (cos i can never finish them myself). a blanket that still smells faintly like a smoke from your cigarettes.
i miss you. and the thought of you makes me smile.
it's the night like this that makes life worth living. the night like this that i so want to sleep cos i can't wait for tomorrow to come. the night like this that everything seems so beautiful. the night like this that i'm thinking of you.
the moon has stolen my sorrow away. and the star just promised me that tomorrow will be a better day. the wind said he'd bring my thoughts to you.
and i can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store for me.
Ni submitted homework at 12:21 AM | 0 more assignments

Monday, March 07, 2005
a word a day
From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
Platonic \Pla*ton"ic\, Platonical \Pla*ton"ic*al\, a.
[L.Platonicus, Gr. ?: cf. F. platonique.]
1. Of or pertaining to Plato, or his philosophy, school, or opinions.
2. Pure, passionless; nonsexual; philosophical.
Platonic love, a pure, spiritual affection, subsisting between persons of opposite sex, unmixed with carnal desires, and regarding the mind only and its excellences; -- a species of love for which Plato was a warm advocate.
From THE DEVIL'S DICTIONARY ((C)1911 Released April 15 1993)
PLATONIC, adj. Pertaining to the philosophy of Socrates. Platonic Love is a fool's name for the affection between a disability and a frost.
Personal note: Ayn Rand didn't believe in Platonic Love. i've been contemplating if Platonic Love is possible. what say you?
Ni submitted homework at 4:21 PM | 0 more assignments

beautiful mind
do you think there is anyone whose mind so beautiful and whose logic so simple that he does not know how to lie?there is. it's my brother.
if you ask him about what he has done which possibly make you angry and him feel guilty, he will nervously try to avoid it by repeating your question or looking down the floor and eventually he will tell you the truth and beg for your forgiveness.
isn't that amazing?
imagine if everyone is like him? how is it gonna be like?
if our logics are so simple that we just act on our own will, do you think it's gonna simplify our lives? or will it be all messed up?
imagine a world with every living man's mind so simple, simple that they act what they will, simple that they do not know how to lie (lying takes quite a complexed logic). they give the truth to every question asked.
a utopia or a chaos?
imagine a guy who has to feed his family but cannot afford to do so decides to rob a bank. he does it and confesses it when the police interogates him.
a utopia or a chaos?
what if i have a mind with no logic? if i act on what i desire. if i act on my sensation [produced by an automatic reaction of a sense organ to a stimulus from the outside world]. if i eat when i'm hungry. if i cry when i feel sad (and not pretend to be strong). if i skip school because i'm lazy (not as if i'm not doing it). if i sleep because i'm tired. if i have to see you because i miss you. if i stand opposite your house for hours waiting for you to come out because i want to see you. if i have to be down on my knee begging because i want you to forgive me.
would my life be happier? or would i mess everything up?
Ni submitted homework at 4:30 AM | 5 more assignments

i'm just a happy kid.
Ni submitted homework at 3:12 AM | 1 more assignments

i made friend with him.
an annoying noise from the spinning ceiling fan is another friend of ours. the door was left ajar and i heard the footsteps. i did not wish to turn to peek at it.
but i did.
silly me getting myself disappointed again over an imagination of my self-delusion.
then i looked at the ashtray. and your three-quarteredly-smoked cigarette is still lying there waiting for you to finish it. i also haven't cleared your half-drunk holland beer left over from last week. i dont know why. i don't think it can be drunk anymore. and you left your e33 in my fridge. i wanted to drink them but i don't really like e33.
a dimly lit room. the same old tunes that have been repeating in my jukebox for a million times. an annoying never-tiring spinning fan. a blanket that smells faintly like your smoke.
i miss you. i miss how life used to be.
it's the night like this that kills me everyday. the night like this that keeps from sleeping. the night that doesn't seem to end. the night that drives me wild in my own emotions.
take me out of here. i wanna run away. keep me in a box and gas me with cyanide. gas me a little more than the recommended doze so i dont have to wake up.
i don't want to go through another night like this.
Ni submitted homework at 12:46 AM | 0 more assignments

Sunday, March 06, 2005
i went to coffee bean today to do my project. was ordering coffee from a guy who always serves me.he asked, "you alone?"
i said "yes"
he continued, "you used to have a companion right?"
i smiled a sad but happy smile and replied "yes"
at least i used to.
you are wrong. memories are not just fragments of the past, they're what makes the present more bearable.
i wanna eat chicken rice.
Ni submitted homework at 12:17 AM | 4 more assignments

Saturday, March 05, 2005
the result says "A self-involved or pessimistic woman is especially bad. Though you're drawn to them, avoid artists at all costs."
how do they know? they are so smart. haha...
it also says...
BEWARE: Genghis Khunt
ouch... too late! haha =D
take the quiz!
Ni submitted homework at 4:58 PM | 1 more assignments

she finally talked to me on msn last night. i'm so happy. even though i can see that what lies ahead is gonna be totally different, i'm still thankful. i know i'm not gonna get to see her anytime soon, at least not in these few months. but i'm happy enough. i'm energised. and from now, i shall wake up happy to look forward to everyday, for a new day to come, for time to pass, for me to grow. i know it's not gonna be too long. =)Ni submitted homework at 7:53 AM | 1 more assignments

i thought i was fine. i shouldn't have gone there. i probably have just made the matter worse. esther said i looked a wreck when i cried. i think so too cos pple looked at me weirdly when i entered the train.*sigh*
btw, i was at the Girl Power gig just now. the band Eugene's Moment of Truth is not bad. quite catchy. and desmond was there too! :D

HallX alumni gathering Photo Gallery
username: lcheekong
password: 12345
Ni submitted homework at 1:36 AM | 3 more assignments

Friday, March 04, 2005
finally the master student who was supposed to have a meeting with me since 9am arrived at the lab at 10 fucking 30 am. and he conveniently told me that another guy who was supposed to meet us as well just messaged him this morning that he's got "something" on, couldn't come today. more importantly, that MIA guy holds a key information to my final step in my FYP program. and it's already fucking friday.arghhhh....... MOTHERFUCKERS
hiderance to my advancement.
shoot me.
Ni submitted homework at 10:34 AM | 0 more assignments

they are a pain in the ass
School authorities are nothing but plain pain in the ass (especially my ass). they sit there (trying to look pretty), doing nothing constructive but making your (or rather my) life more and more miserable.anyway, i woke up for my FYP meeting. my eyes were red and dry, my stomach was churning, my hands were shaking. i arrived 40 minutes late and guess what?! no one was there! they'd better have met and left than all sleeping their asses off in their beds.
this is another pain in my asshole.
and this pain is a chinese native pain of which whose program i have to integrate to mine.
working with them tripples the difficulty of my project as i have to spend much extra time decoding what they're trying to say.
but i shall not be mean. i'm just agitated because of the lack of sleep.
may peace be with the world.
Ni submitted homework at 9:47 AM | 0 more assignments

uh... i'm so screwed. i'll be dead real soon.see how my upcoming weeks are like...
mon 7 - show a fully functional, working program to my FYP supervisor
tues 8 - french test
thur 10 - econs (which i only attended lecture twice) test on thurs
mon 14 - submit FYP report final draft
mon 21 - submit distributed system project which other pple are doing in a group of 3 but i'm doing alone cos i never go to school so by the time i realised that there is a project for this module, everyone already formed a group!
die die... i'm sure dead this sem. =s
and fuck... i've got FYP meeting later at fucking 9am and i still can't sleep yet. arghh....
Ni submitted homework at 5:42 AM | 0 more assignments

Thursday, March 03, 2005
do my survey bitch!
click click click
[it is very important to me. thank you very much. very short survey. 3 MCQ only. feel
free to post it at your blog]
Ni submitted homework at 12:50 PM | 0 more assignments

oops... i did it again
[sing using FOC watermelon cheer]"Cauliflower Cauliflower
Broccoli Broccoli
Pocky likes to eat them
Pocky likes to eat them
Buy for me, buy for me"
i thought this song was supposed to make me laugh. it does exactly the opposite now.
anyway, i met up with my meantime girls for a drink this evening at alley bar. they are so nice. they are so busy but willing to come out and drink with me. and my drinks were fully sponsored by esther and this dirty old man who's trying to pick up esther.
and yes... i did it again. i went to her place, rang the bell. she wasn't home. i suppose she went out with kevin.
someone asked me if i'm jealous. i have to say, there's no jealousy in me. i think jealousy is utterly absurd. if you can rationalise using your higer logic uncontrolled by your emotions, you can never get jealous of anyone.
by the way, out of impulse, out of boredom, out of repeated requests from my parents or out of random cosmic chance, i booked an air ticket back to thailand. the flight is about a month from now. hopefully it gives me enough time to settle all my projects that their deadlines are all cramped up in this month.

Ni submitted homework at 1:16 AM | 0 more assignments

Wednesday, March 02, 2005
i was having dinner with qq at out of the pan this evening. [she has casually agreed to be another of my meantime girls] she treated me cos she knew i was sad and broke and food, especially waffle, would cheer me up. it did indeed but not enough to make me happy. i was already on the train back to hall but i kept thinking about her. i knew if i didn't at least try to see her today, i'd have a disturbed night ahead. so i changed the train at outram and headed to her place.
i rang the bell.
she answered the bell through the speaker phone system, "hello"
"she's not in" and hung up. it was obviously her voice.
i rang the bell a few more times and she didn't answer so i went back hall.
abstinence is bad. the whole day i tried not to think of her and it was so torturing. when i was on train and tried hard not to be tempted to go to her place, i was suffering. but after i went to see her, even i got rejected, even i didn't see her, i felt much better. at least i did what i wanted to do. at least i tried.
my parents called me just now. i think my father could tell from my voice that i'm sad. he asked what was wrong despite the fact that i told him a few times that i was fine. so i told him i quarrelled with pokido. he sounded sympathetic and passed the phone to my mother. she sounded sad, as if she wanted to help but too helpless. so she asked me to forget about it and go back to thailand. well, maybe i really need a break from singapore.
on a less sad note: cody went to HK and bought a DVD that i mentioned to him before that i wanted to watch (but it is banned in singapore) for me as a souvenir. i don't know the title of the movie but i know Daniel Wu acted as a gay in this show. muahahaha... maybe i should start recruiting meantime boys too!
Ni submitted homework at 12:12 AM | 0 more assignments

Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Hall bash was on last wednesday. yes. it's on mambo night. i know it's lame but we must not abandon hall events even if we're old and way above the on-age. so i dragged esther and qq along to accompany me and to relive our retro days. :D
Mr. White was there too, after esther managed to convince him. the retro king, Paul, was there too to show off his mambo synchronize dance steps to us. and i realized i couldn't dance to retro beat anymore. too far out of touch. and the music weren't good initially, both in zouk and phuture. but the last last two hours of the night, the music got real good but i was too sober to dance. and now i'm reminded, i am still angry over a random bitch knocked over my undrunk blowjob and didn't offer to buy me back. :(
went to Rouge on friday to catch Mizery Free's official last gig [as kevin, the lead vocalist, is going to australia to study] the keyboardist couldn't make it cos he was stuck in some island none of my interest. so the arranging of the musical parts in the song was different from ones in the album. i prefer this arrangement without keyboard. it sounded raw and heavier. but some parts in a few songs weren't tight. it was quite obviously out of beat but still rocking though.
bleah. and i haven't been jamming for the longest time. boring boring.
Honourable mention: Jiehui behaved himself this time. i was quite surprised at first but when i asked him to go dance at the dance floor, he was like "no, look what you wrote in your blog". so apparently, he read my blog, especially the post that i scolded him for being weird and rude. haha... anyway, i was bouncing up and down with him on the sofa, quite fun. but people, including kevin and pocky, looked at us weirdly. =S
Ni submitted homework at 4:47 AM | 0 more assignments

i am sad.i quarrelled with pokido again (and again and again).
don't ever ask me what we quarrel over cos, seriously, i never know. all i know is that she doesn't want to see me anymore. she's been saying so. and i think it's about time i respected her wish. so i said to myself i shall not bother her again until she feels like seeing me [which can range from 1 day to eternity. tha later seems to be more likely though] gosh... i don't think i'll even last a day.
but i've got my honeystar. i've got my milk. i bought tissue paper and soap. most importantly, i've got my meantime girl.
i will survive.
[ADVERTISEMENT BREAK: - in the meantime, i am also recruiting more meantime girls. those who are interested and able to fulfill the following criteria, do drop me a mail. i'm willing to compensate your effort and time with my sincere company, my humble thought and discussion on anything of your interest and a can of ice cold beer]
but abstinence is bad for health - physically, mentally, psychologically, sociologically.
not seeing her for one week is worse than not having sex for a year. frankly, i think my idea of refraining myself from seeing her is as absurd as an anti pre-marital sex campaign [recently held in orchard by sellling a wristband saying something like "say NO to pre-marital sex" - actually i can't remember what the wristband exactly says. but it shd be something cliche along that line.] i seriously don't think i can do this for more than 2 days.
but a little bit of abstinence may do me good. i suspect we see each other too much and start taking each other for granted. a little space, a little more time to ourselves, i hope it will make things better. i'm always on the optimistic side. =D
Ni submitted homework at 12:46 AM | 3 more assignments
