interview questions
i went for an interview for a job with Envox Asia today. here are the so-called aptitude test questions that were posted to me for you to waste your time with.1. if you were a blind man and you were inside this enclosed room, and there were a chair, a light bulb and a switch, how would you know that the bulb was lit?
2. why is a manhole round?
3. if there are 3 baskets, first basket contains 1 black ball, second basket contains 2 red balls, third basket contains 3 green balls, what is the possibility of a blind man picking up the black ball?
and i could answer only 1 fucking question!!! which is question 3.
felt so stupid.
btw, the rabbitch is sick. she's having a gastric and a cold and a dry cough at the same time. poor thing =(
Ni submitted homework at 4:38 AM | 3 more assignments

Friday, October 29, 2004
i felt like a rockstar
i was at bar none to catch electrico on monday night. and i was at velvet for poetry slam on tuesday. wednesday i went club-hopping from Ink to attica to cocco latte to moloko and end my journey at zouk. thursday night i was at zouk again to catch the power jam. and my 3 papers are within the next 7 that alone wouldn't make me feel like a rockstar.
while i was walking around in bar none. one guy looked at me, trying to recall who i was but i couldn't recognize him so i just walked away. then he shouted from behind... "Scarlet Ash!" cool eh?!
then there's another guy who did the slam at velvet. after the slam, he came and asked me if he knew me. i said no. but i think we might have met at a gig or somewhere cos i know he's a guitarist and he looked familiar to me too.
at the power jam, while i was about to leave. this guy with a pretty face was smiling and waving at me for like half a minute but i just ignored cos i couldn't recognise him. til pocky turned around and she recognised them. we went to say hi and i eventually found out that he is one of the judges for the Jem Nation at Rav. i think he's one who in favour of us. the guy who is also a song writer and a singer. i can't remember his name. he was really nice and enthusiastically friendly. he said "you guys were one of the best" and kept repeating that. =D i told him we're in the midst of recording a demo. the owner of home studio who was also there with them invited to record with him. i told him about the budget constraint. he said special discount can be arranged. haha...
and before that, at the competition, we met this theatre actor guy whose wife is also a theatre actress that pocky admires a lot (can't remember their names again). i was talking to him. then SuperMario (the one that was a DJ at perfect10 but quit to launch his own album) came to shake hand with him. then he shook my hand too. haha...
*sigh* i feel so near yet it's so far.
local arts scene here is so small and the herd doesn't care about it. well, at least, the media is trying to promote the local scene to the public. i admire and repect this timely vision.
Ni submitted homework at 1:59 PM | 1 more assignments

live@bar none

High Rise, Ronin and Electrico live@bar none on the past monday 25th Oct.
for more photos, please visit my photo section.
Ni submitted homework at 4:25 AM | 0 more assignments

Electrico rocks!

i just bought the CD. no... i mean pocky just bought the CD.
Desmond is such a geeky bassist. he's damn fucking good.
Support local music yay!
Ni submitted homework at 4:13 AM | 0 more assignments

The Ni is back from a pile of homework
today i spent 3 whole minutes staring at the drink cabinet, blocking other people while choosing what to drink. there were coke, coffee, milo, some fake herbal tea drinks, all sorts of faked flavour green tea drinks, lame fruit juices that don't taste anywhere near the real one at all, plain water that costs fucking $1, 100 plus, barley, the oh-so-cliche ice lemon tea. why are drinks here so boring?! i never had problem buying drink in thailand at all!and why isn't there a teh-ping-in-the-can?!
finally i noticed a small cabinet contains all sorts of yakults. that's not so bad afterall.
then i wanted to take a shuttle bus back hall from school. as soon as i boarded the bus, the bus driver ran away, left all the passengers looked at him helplessly why he was disappearing into a canteen. exactly 5 minutes (yes i was timing) after that, he's back. the passengers were relieved as then they knew that they could get back to their halls within half an hour. (note: we're talking about going back from school to hall, not to clementi) but this driver drove fast. he took only 8 minutes to reach my hall while, average, it takes 15-20 minutes to get back. alas, he shall be forgiven. (but hey! a cab takes less than 2 minutes and it doesn't have more wheel than the bus does!)
Ni submitted homework at 2:54 AM | 0 more assignments

Sunday, October 24, 2004
inspiration only comes the day before the deadline
that's right. it's always the case for me.i've got 3 projects due tomorrow and 3 of which i haven't completed at the time of writing this. i've been sitting in front of my computer since 3am today until now. my rabbitch has gone out to play. i wanna go out too. but if i do, i'll just be a deadmeat tmr.
btw, while doing a research on RPC buffer overflow exploit, i found out that a writer of a famous worm (i'm sure all of us here have been infected by it before), Win32/Blaster, left a very cool signature in his virus code. it says...
"just want to say LOVE YOU SAN!!
billy gates why do you make this possible ? Stop making money and fix your software!!"
and he actually designed the worm such that, when infects a machine, it creates a mutex (a kind of locking mechanism to prevent having a dulplicate copy of itself running on the same machine) named after the imfamous founder of Microsoft Corporation - "Billy"!
cool eh?
Ni submitted homework at 9:48 PM | 0 more assignments

Saturday, October 23, 2004
the resurrection of the dead computer
so i brought my desktop to the PC hospital at sim lim square yesterday.symptoms:
after being turned on, there was a *beep* sound and everything seemed to be working. the mainboard light was on and the CPU fan is spinning. but there's nothing appear on the screen. there didn't seem to be a signal to the monitor.
my assumptions:
it could be the VGA card spoilt. that's why there wasn't a signal to the monitor. so i tried changing the card but it still didn't work. so i thought it might be the mainboard cos i couldn't think of anything else that would cause such a symptom. testing mainboard is troublesome. so i decided to bring him to see a doctor.
doctor's dianose:
my computer had a heart failure aka power supply failure. i guess it's like when your heart is weak and it can't pump blood to all the parts in your body, the power supply didn't generate enough power to the computer anymore. so we transplanted new heart to him. and yay! voila!
my pc has resurrected!
Ni submitted homework at 1:45 PM | 0 more assignments

Friday, October 22, 2004
Dead computers
my desktop computer (the one that i just fixed few months ago) died again. and this time, my powerbook decided to commit suicide just on the same day to die together with the desktop. now i have corpses of 2 dead desktops, 1 dead laptop and 2 dead printers lying around in my room.AND I CAN'T BE BOTHERED TO FIX EM ANYMORE.
today, i'm gonna bring one of them to see a doctor. hope my desktop can be cured and resurrect soon cos i have 2 projects due on monday and another one due on wednesday!
oh... i'm dead. =s
Ni submitted homework at 4:59 PM | 1 more assignments

Thursday, October 21, 2004
The New Police Story
beside not going to school and not studying for exam, i have been sleeping and watching movies a lot too.
the latest one i watched was The New Police Story. i wanted to watch just because of Nicholas Tze. (okay i know it's lame. but he's cute ok?) but i ended up finding Daniel Wu much hotter.
check him out.

he is sooo cool. but i'm somehow convinced that he's gay.

but that doesn't matter. gays are cute.
anyway, i have him as a wallpaper now. lame right? but haa... let me sovour him for a few days.

uh... i sound so bimbotic. oh... and i forgot to talk about the show. i think it's pretty good. especially if you're a fan of Infernal Affair, you shouldn't miss it. i just watched Sky Captain recently too. i think The New Police Story is much better.
Ni submitted homework at 9:43 AM | 2 more assignments

Wednesday, October 20, 2004
where is my wednesday???
wednesday is my free day.i said i'm gonna wake up at 1pm today to go to NUS to study. and guess what time i got out of bed? 11pm!! 11pm of wednesday! i only have one hour left for my wednesday! argh!
so what do i do now?
i don't know.
i guess i'm just gonna go out and stuff my face first. i haven't eaten anything for the whole day. my last meal was 20 hours ago. that's amazing.
Ni submitted homework at 11:20 PM | 3 more assignments

Tuesday, October 19, 2004
in a laws lecture
"the exam is open-book. that means you can bring anything in. but no electronic device. no electronic dictionary. no handphone. no laptop. no PDA. no printer."printer?! did you just say printer?!
Ni submitted homework at 4:54 PM | 0 more assignments

Monday, October 18, 2004
Deutsche Bank pt.3
i swear i suck... BIG time.i screwed up the essay part in the aptitude test today.
i was totally inarticulate. if i were to fail this round, it would be because of my lousy essay!
and there's no such thing as NAVEU. don't even try to smoke. this ain't scrabble.
it's NAVEL for _A_E_ and SOUTH for S__TH not NAVEU and SLOTH!!!
what was i thinking?!?!?!
Basic Stats
turnover: ~60 people
where half of them is indian scholars. half the the rest is vietnamese + indonesian scholars. and the rest of the rest are singaporeans.
pray for me!
[eh... where are all the PRC scholars???]
Ni submitted homework at 9:10 PM | 4 more assignments

hug me!!!
have u hugged me today?
give *ni* more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
Ni submitted homework at 1:42 AM | 2 more assignments

Sunday, October 17, 2004
post-gig review
The gig at the republic poly yesterday was... erm... full of hiccups. first, ling broke her string in the middle of first song. one kind audience lent her his SG but it just sounded weird. ling couldn't get the sound she wanted from the guitar. and it's slightly off-tuned so ling decided to turn down her volumn and that made pin sounded like she's drowning the whole band... and then pin's effect went off. chris had to fix it for her. and the temp0 in general was faster than it was supposed to be. but actually i kinda like it fast except that there were some parts i couldn't catch up and my playing wasn't synced with audrey's. okay... that was quite bad.overall, we weren't very tight. but i believe it could have been much better if there wasn't any hiccup. need more practices. need to build up on tightness and stage presence.
btw, 14-10 was damn good. everyone is good. they have a lot of blues influence.
i like pulse ironica too. but very pop. very commercial. but nice to hum slong. very easy-listening and catchy. probably that's why they got into the final of the Power Jam.
and i think my bass's pickups aren't working properly. it gives funny noises when i switch to single bridge mode. oh... i'm so sad.
Ni submitted homework at 1:32 PM | 0 more assignments

Happy Birthday
to my rabbitch...hope you like the present. =)
Ni submitted homework at 5:07 AM | 0 more assignments

Saturday, October 16, 2004
tomorrow is the last day i'll play i swear!!!
my first paper is on the 4th. that's less than 20 days from now.
and it's 3 papers in a row on 4th, 5th and 6th!!!
i've got an aptitude test for Deutsche bank on this coming monday and i haven't prepared yet!!!
my cryptography paper is due on 25th and i haven't started preparing!
my programing project is due on 30th and i haven't done anything at all!!
argh... time flies when life is too good! =s
Ni submitted homework at 3:07 AM | 0 more assignments

Thursday, October 14, 2004
empty bed. empty chair. empty room.what's the point of having new bass? it can never fill up your space in my room.
oh... i'm even more fucked now.
Ni submitted homework at 1:59 PM | 2 more assignments

Ibanez GAXB150

i finally bought my own bass.
i am one thing less fuct up.
Ni submitted homework at 1:21 PM | 0 more assignments

Wednesday, October 13, 2004
reminder:Scarlet Ash's upcoming gig!

we'll be playing a 45-minute set at around 4.45pm.
see ya there!
for more info, visit
Ni submitted homework at 2:32 PM | 0 more assignments

Tuesday, October 12, 2004
life rewards
i've recently come across quite a number of long lost friends. uh... well, i wouldn't really call them friends as for most of them i don't even know their names but i do recognise their faces. i'd rather call them someone i know or ex-hall residents.and what made these encounters with them so significant to me is how they approached me. the excited looks, the big smiles on their faces. they were sincere and i'm not flattering myself. they didn't hesitate to come and say hi to me. you know... they're always those times when you see your old friends or teachers and you try to avoid so that you don't have to even talk to them. i gotta admit i always do that. but these people ran across the street just to say hi to me. they asked about my life. they asked about hall. at least they remember. they remember me and hall. i feel that my efforts have been paid off. at least, i didn't do it for nothing. for the past few years that i've been working my ass off serving the hall. just to make the difference to the residents' lives. to make them remember. to show them we care. to make them happy. to make hall a better place to stay in. and it worked.
i may be insignificant to this wolrd. i can't make a different to this earth. nor can i save it. but at least in this very small island, someone somewhere remembers me and hall 10, the hall life they have experienced and the difference they have witnessed.
i've achived my goal.
Ni submitted homework at 4:35 PM | 0 more assignments

fuct up kid
i'm a fuct up kid.i forgot to register for my GE.
i've had a self-declared 4-day weekend for 2 weeks consecutively.
my biological clock is screwed up and i haven't been getting up for any classes before 3pm for the past 3 weeks.
i have no progress for my FYP.
i haven't bought a new bass.
i haven't started studying for the exam.
i've got projects undone.
i'm addicted to scrabble once again.
i lost my lecture notes.
i'm broke.
i've been having a really bad diarrhea and an occasionally defunct digestive system.
basically i'm fucked.
"back to the drawing board with the word you heard a million time before in your head... i am dead!"
Ni submitted homework at 4:46 AM | 3 more assignments

Sunday, October 10, 2004
how does it feel
o... how does it feel likewhen you walk into that door
and every pair of eyes turns to fix at you
watching you
admiring you
visually harrasing you
showing the desire to
feel your body moving
taste your lips of wine
touch your tanned skin
breathe in your sweet breath
o... how does it feel like
to know that you are wanted
to know that you are needed
to know that you are desired
to know that they would
climb the mountains high
swim the oceans blue
fly across the lightning sky
just to get a glimpse of the beauty in you
o... how does it feel
Ni submitted homework at 6:24 AM | 0 more assignments

Friday, October 08, 2004
Don't hate me... because I'm beautiful ...
Don't hate me
... because I'm the best ...
Don't hate me
... because I'm the champion ...
Just love me like all the rest
[note: the original photo has been automatically replace by the family filtering system]

Ni submitted homework at 9:45 PM | 6 more assignments

fish eggs Pt.2
3 kgs! fucking 3 kgs worth of fish eggs!!!the monk just called me up telling me they've got me 3kgs of fish eggs! oh... happiness.
let me tell you how important and rare these fish eggs are to me.
in my entire life, i only get to eat the fish eggs for less than 10 times. why?! becos there's no fish eggs in where i lived (Chiang Rai). usually my dad would ask my grandma in Sukhothai to buy them for us. she'd either send it here by bus or we would drive there to pick it up (and Sukhothai is 8 hour away from my place by car). and after we've got it, i'd have to fight with my dad everyday for it cos my dad loves it so much too.
and not that they'll have these fish eggs every year. some years they don't have it. i don't know why. the bloody fish probably lays eggs once in a few year or something. and NO! no one knows what the fish is called! not even the stall operator who sells these fish eggs. all she knows is that she has to order it from bangkok. thus, it's real difficult for me to track down the fish and reap their eggs.
and this time round, there isn't any fish eggs in Sukhothai. but i guess the monk and gang knew if they don't come here with fish eggs, they can forget about seeing me at the airport. so they managed to order the fish eggs from a nearby province (Phitsanulok, 1 hour away from Sukhothai. oh and the monk and gang are from Sukhothai)
my fish eggs are flying here tmr... ar... after more than 4 years of being deprived. finally, i'll get to eat my fish eggs tmr. oh... i'm so happy!
Ni submitted homework at 8:47 PM | 0 more assignments

fish eggs
if not becos of fish eggs, i wouldn't sacrifice my paintball session on sunday.the hall people are going to play paintball together on sunday. it's hall's social activity. $19 inclusinve of transport, dinner and t-shirt. but what will i be doing on sunday? being a tour guide!!!
yeah... a group of unknown thai people are coming here tmr. one of them is my mother's brother's wife whom i normally talk to less than once a year. oh... and another one of them who i can identify is a monk. so instead of my aunt contacting me, it's the monk who called me up at 8am last week! and i didn't even know the monk before hand. only got to know his name when he first called me and i already forgot his name. well, i can just pretend that i'm busy with my exam and not be bothered about them. but they found out from my mum that i wanted to eat those fish eggs so badly that i wanted to fly back to thailand whenever she can confirm that there're fish eggs this season. so they are basically bribing me by offering to bring a lot of fish eggs for me. and it's fish eggs!! i can't bring myself to turn down the offer! so i ended finding a hotel for them and will be spending my precious weekend bringing them around singapore...argh and sacrificing my paintball game. what's more?! i have to wake up early tmr to pick them up at the airport at 11am!!
**sigh** but "fish eggs" is the magic word for this weekend... come on ni. keep in mind, it's fish eggs. it's worth doing and sacrificing anything!
Ni submitted homework at 8:02 PM | 0 more assignments

new name
hello world. my name is liability.please call me by my newly given name.
thank you.
Ni submitted homework at 4:11 PM | 0 more assignments

Thursday, October 07, 2004
Deutsche Bank Pt.2
"We are delighted to confirm that you have been selected for the first stage of the Technology graduate recruitment selection process."Yay!! i was quite happy and excited when i received the e-mail from Deutsche Bank. then one minute later i realised that i shouldn't be so complacent. there're probably many more people who get selected for the first stage as well. we need to take an aptitude test for the first round on next monday. kenneth attempted to get a job there before. he failed at the last interview. he recommended me to read "Heard on the Street: Quantitative Questions from Wall Street Job Interviews" by Timothy Crack. tried to find it at school library but they don't have the book. will try at national library tmr.
Ni submitted homework at 9:43 PM | 0 more assignments

this post is for esther
esther is...- one of the only few reasons that keeps me away from feeling regret of choosing to come to NTU
- the first person i think of when my last lesson is over
- the one who i had a bathing competition with everyday
- the one who always did the dishes when we cooked
- the one who always willingly learn the punk songs so that she can sing for me when i want to play guitar.
- one of a few friends who can make me get angry with
- the only friend who has made me cry (many times)
- the one who made me wait a few hours for a dinner appointment and didn't turn up!
- the one who always waits for me at least half an hour for the rest of our appointments
- the one who can make me up early in the morning just to go to church with her
- the one who forced me to rest on my bed and made me a cup of hot tea
- my number one
- the best thing ever happened in my NTU life =)
even though we don't really get to see each other as often anymore, you know that i'm just a phone call away right?! =)
Ni submitted homework at 5:31 AM | 5 more assignments

no jamming for me
and i totally screwed the whole jamming today.when we were about to start jamming, es called. she had ...erm... a problem. and of course, immediate attention was needed. so i left. i felt really bad as i didn't go back for the jamming at all. i thought i could so i left all my stuff at the studio. so ling took my bag back with her. i don't know if the band is angry. hope they're not. but i had no choice. i'll choose esther over anything anytime. she's the best thing ever happened in my NTU life. if she really needs me, i'll definitely be there.
but well, the gig is coming really soon. and i haven't tried playing "until the day i die" with the band yet. i somehow have a feeling that they'll scrap this song in the end. oh... no... my only closest to punk i'll ever get to play. ='(
Ni submitted homework at 3:41 AM | 7 more assignments

Wednesday, October 06, 2004
aresha rocks!
"Sleep contrary to popular belief, isn't for the weak - it's for those who believe that life's pleasures should be indulged upon.""And for those who can't understand; it's a pity indeed."
- Aresha
[quoting from Aresha's reply to Jedi_pocky regarding the oversleeping incident]
Ni submitted homework at 2:10 PM | 0 more assignments

Tuesday, October 05, 2004
why?! (continued)
i wanna be a drug addict.i wanna know how it feels like to be high on ecstasy.
why don't i do it? why?!
someone contacted me to deal drugs when i was 15.
the grapevine said i did so.
i wanted to but i didn't.
why didn't i?!
and then i had 500 mg. of heroine in possession.
i also had a tube full of amphetamine and a packet of ketamine.
but i didn't try them.
why didn't i?!
i wanna be a chain smoker.
i want to smoke when i get stressed.
and i think lighters are cool.
but i don't smoke.
why don't i?
i wanna be an alcoholic.
i wanna be high 24-7.
i think this is the most probable one. but no. i am not an alcoholic yet.
why don't i become one?!
i wanna be a school dropout.
then why don't i just stop going to school?
why don't i do all these?
who do i think i owe? mum...
but why do i think so?
am i just using her as an excuse?
...i don't know...
why? why don't i?!
Ni submitted homework at 4:35 AM | 3 more assignments

why? why CSS doesn't work on MAC? not even on the internet explorer for mac.why? why? why???
so what do i do now?
Ni submitted homework at 4:33 AM | 0 more assignments

Monday, October 04, 2004
bug in the Sunday Times
"Microsoft's Jumbo Patch" - an article published in the Sunday Times yesterday (3rd oct) reported that Microsoft was releasing its windows XP update patch, Service Pack 2 (SP2) by the end of this month. [quote from the paper -"By the end of this month, Microsoft will have offered this 70MB to 270MB download to anyone who turns on the Windows feature called Automatic Updates in the Start menu. You can also download SP2 or order a free CD by mail at"] the SP2, in fact, has been released long ago since August!well, it's not exactly fair to just blame ST as the article was taken from the New York Times. but the article in the NYT was published since thursday, 23 September. though the SP2 were to be released by the end of september, the readers of ST would just have the notion that it would be released by the end of this month since the article was just published in ST yesterday.
i know it's not a big deal. but it just poses me with a question of the qualification and the attitude of the journalist.
firstly, if you're a writer of technology news, you should be very well-informed in this area. and the launch of the Sp2 was something really big in the internet for the past 2 months.
secondly, if you are to take an article from somewhere else, it should be published within a period of time that the article is still applicable (ie. by September). otherwise, you could just rewrite it in your own word. not just blindly do the cut and paste operations.
thirdly, the original article had a mistake. and a correction of it was published the next day (24 september) in NYT. but the one-over-week-later article in ST was not corrected as it should.
A newspaper is something that the mass relies on, the Strait Time especially. thus, the integrity of the news should come first. but this article has proved otherwise. this piece of news shows a slipshod attitude of the writer. i'm somewhat disappointed as ST is a major newspaper here and this kind of thing shouldn't be let happenning.
Ni submitted homework at 11:05 AM | 0 more assignments

long weekend
i had a long weekend. i didn't go to school on thursday and friday. so technically, i had a 4-day-long weekend and it was an eventful one. yay! =Di went to a gay bar! yeah i went to the gay bar! and the gay boys are so cute! dancing with them is so fun. they're cute. they're fun. they're hot. and they're safe! this just re-iterated the point that the cute guys in the world have all turned gay! =s
and finally, i've fulfilled my dream of camping on the beach. just that i didn't spend much time in the tent cos after i started tugging myself in the tent for less than an hour, it fuckingly rained!!! and the tent was almost flooded like a house with leaked roof!
the sky turned bright after it rained for a while and got too bright for my liking eventually. so i sat in the shade by sea, looking blank into the sky and wondered why life is so beautiful.
"on an island in the sun, we'll be playing having fun
and it makes me feel so fine i can't control my brain"
Ni submitted homework at 10:35 AM | 0 more assignments

Saturday, October 02, 2004
Story of the year
well, the rabbitch overslept again and she stood up her date twice in a row. aww... poor she woke up at midnight while she was supposed to meet him at 7pm. the poor boy called thrice or 4 times and i didn't pick up coz i didn't know how to explain to him. the rabbitch woke up feeling guilty and stupid. she whined and whined and complained of how i didn't wake her up while i did try. finally she decided that she should see him still. so we went out at 1plus. she's off to find him. i'm off to get some nightlife after being a hermit for years.
she said... "i think you should get some social life."
i said... "i have no social life and i need none."
but still i went out becos jiahui called up to ask me out. she's been dying to club for weeks. she's been asking me to go clubbing with her almost every friday night. but i always prefer to hide in my room, playing with my rabbitch.
so jiahui and i went to dblO. the pool side is quite nice. it's just a little too beng for my liking. the club closed at 3. that was so early. i was there for slight more than an hour.
and i bumped into chalk when we were queuing to get the bag from the counter. it's so good to see him again after half a year. we were hugging and jumping around like kids. and he was so high (as usual). haha.... he asked me to stay over at his place to smoke pot. he's always the bad influence. but it's okay. i'm not easily tempted by such things. so i wanted to join him for supper but jiahui needed to come back hall early so i gave it a miss. we were saying that we should jam together again soon. yay... emo!!! =D
so now i'm back in my room, blabbling rubbish on the blog again while waiting for the rabbitch to be back. don't think she will come back soon though. it's okay. today i'm emotionally stable. i shall have a beauty sleep without her soon.
good night, world.
Ni submitted homework at 4:24 AM | 0 more assignments

Friday, October 01, 2004
Deutsche Bank
yep. i am going for this one. i am going to submit my application with them.yes i know my grades suck. yes i know i am too ambitious. yes i know Deutsche Bank is too high class, too far to reach.
but miracles always happen to me.
- like how i somewhat got into the best class when i entered my secondary school while my parents encouraged me to go for the worse secondary school's exam that happened to be on the same day instead cos they were afraid that i wouldn't get into the school that i chose at all. [lucky i didn't listen to them =s]
- like how i received the scholarship to study here while on the day of that last round of the test for this scholarship, i couldn't do the papers at all. i was one of the last few that left the exam room after unsuccessful countless attempts on the questions while there were many of them that left the room way before me with confident looks. of course i felt a little inferior as they were from the best school in thailand and i was just from a normal school from an underdeveloped province.
- like how i got into Morgan Stanley for my internship while 9 out of 10 people i surveyed thought that another guy who was also shortlisted for an interview would get it. [imagine... if my own friends can tell me straight to my face that they don't think i can win that guy, they must be really confident right?!]
- and like how i've met my rabbitch. =D
so you'll never know. miracle might happen to me again.
prepare for the worst but hope for the best. ;)
Ni submitted homework at 6:17 AM | 3 more assignments

empty apartment
"I used to think that only death would take someone away from me. But I had learned that so many lesser things can steal someone away, just as completely, just as forever. They live, they breathe, but you never get to touch them, you never see them nude, you never wake up to their smile, the smell of their skin on your sheets. There are things so much less dramatic then death that are just as permanent."- Incubus Dreams by Laurell K. Hamilton
[stolen from esther's blog]
Ni submitted homework at 4:10 AM | 0 more assignments
